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People Skills

Art of Conversation With Women

Is there an Art to speaking to women? The Art of conversation with women..sure is! I didn’t have a typical “20 something” growing up experience. I didn’t go to college, I wasn’t in a sorority, I was never the chick that did keg stands and slept with guys whose names I didn’t know. In my early 20s I was traveling, living in different countries, running a business and oh yeah I wasn’t single, so I didn’t “date”. So much of my dating experience has come in the last years and well I now found a fun way for myself to share what I experience and what I learn because the “science” between men and women or men&men or women on women if that floats your boat, has always intrigued me and I find it fun & interesting.

Anyway a few days ago I shared my views on The Dying Art Of Communication .Today I want to share how this misfortune has also changed the dating game.

When I was single and dating I would meet many men in NYC. In fact, I do have to give it up to the city boys I tend to have much more human interaction. What I mean is that a man in the city is more likely to say “hey meet me in a few for a drink” basically they are more inclined to want to meet you for some face to face time. Now I don’t know if it’s because the ease of being surrounded by blocks and blocks of neat places to sit and grab a drink or the fact that cell phone service is crappy all over this island, either way they are more likely to suggest face to face time. But, let it be clear that they are not exempt from this annoyance and sad reality of the dying art of communication in dating.

At one point I used to be bombarded by men I meet, good looking, seem competent, have their shit together but man oh man all they want to do is TEXT!


It’s so annoying! I’m thinking can you just pick up the damn phone and talk to me if you care to chat or stop being cheap and unconfident and just ask me out for coffee! I’m not asking for a 5 star dinner, coffee or water bottles and a picnic table by the beach will do! Here is how “Text Massaging”  is defined on…


Webster Dictionary


Urban Dictionary

A way for teens to breakup with each other.

Most often performed by teenage girls, these messages often include such front page news as: “OMG did U C her @ss? Itz HGE”

I would like to point out the word “short” and “teenage girls”

I welcome text messages, in fact I send out a ton! However when the messages sent out turn into a tennis match or question and answers that last a long time, that’s when I just have to stop it and say “ok I’m done texting, just call me”

Ladies and gents, did we forget how to use that little thing we call a mouth??

There are tons of ways to use it and alllllll are very important.

We use it to eat delicious foods, drink, kiss, munch, nibble, suck and well…TALK.

And what is it with guys asking to send them a picture?? Did you forget how I look already? Or do you want it to show off to your friends? I swear the next guy who ask me to send him a pictures is gonna get a funny surprise! Hahahaha

But seriously if you want it so bad, then shit take one of me when we see eachother. I don’t get it, I really don’t.

Then something else I find quite fascinating is when men and women “text date”  or known on the streets as Text Fishing. Yup Gone fishin!

This is when a guy/girl sends out a casual text message to a list of people they would like to hook up with and see who “bites”. To start up a possible chance to hook up. Ahh technology has really made dating interesting, entertaining and creative. And you know you have done this!! Don’t deny it! Caught! Hahaha.

Here are a few of my fave text messages that are fun to send out or receive.

  1. 1. Sextmessage- the sms version of phone/cyber sex. This is very mind stimulating and fun. Helps ya get out of a quick rut you may be having. Ideal for the 9to5 time slot.


  1. 2. Drunxter –texting equivalent of habitual drunk dialing. Rather than calling everyone in their contact list when drunk, a drunxter sends numerous text messages. Twitter has made this one really fun to watch!


  1. 3. Text Mess provides you with too much information, but always welcomed to know and find out!

Will I continue to text? Absolutely! Should you? Absolutely!

All I’m suggesting is to ask; “How did we stray so far away from what makes human beings, human “Be-ings”?”

Maybe I’m a helpless romantic, but how did we lose our human touch? We have emotions. We have feelings. We like to laugh, be touched, and be acknowledged.

Make an attempt to use your gift of communication to talk and connect with another human being, don’t allow yourself to rely so much on text to do the connecting for you, it will never be as good.

If you want to network and meet better people come hang out with us on FACEBOOK

Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, Personal Growth, Relationships, Travel

Make Time For Dinner

When was the last time you sat and enjoyed a dinner amongst friends? Was it last Thanksgiving? Or maybe your birthday? Well on my recent trip to Spain I learned to enjoy 2 hour dinners and NOT feel anxious… I know as a workaholic that I am I was surprised myself! I discovered and experienced life at a halt. I mean that in a good way. Not a halt like you are not progessing, but more of a halt that sometimes you do need to stop and smell the roses. Or in this case enjoy a lavish dinner, lots of wine and great conversation for a 4 hour period…and they call that “normal”. Americans may only do that a few times a year. Possibly during a birthday dinner, Christmas dinner and Thanksgiving and even then I doubt you really sit there and enjoy the conversations with the people next and in front of you for 3 hours. Or do you?
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Can you really have a 2 hour dinner with Spanish friends without getting anxious?? I was tested on my last trip. I passed! I actually really enjoyed it.
CNN recently had an article about 8 reason to make time for family dinner. Here were their 8 reasons:
1.Supper can be a stress reliever
2. Kids might learn to love their veggies
3. It’s the perfect setting for new foods
4. You control the portions
5. Healthy meals mean healthy kids
6. Family dinners help kids “just say no” to smoking, drugs, and drunk driving
7. Better food, better report card
8. Put a little cash in your pocket
more here:
That was CNNS reasons to make time for dinner. What are yours?
Well I can tell you that I learned a lot from this behavior of having and enjoying a meal. I learned to focus on one task and enjoy my meals and the company of good friends. I like many of you on Monday thru Friday have a quick dinner. My boyfriend and I either sit around the living room catching up on all the celebrity gossip shows or we are eating while we are catching up on emails or internet browsing. Weekends is when we induldge in good enjoyable dinners, but never to the extent of the Spaniards. So I learned to enjoy more. To focus on dinner when it is dinner. To enjoy my meals and the company  I am with. I should have figured this out years ago! As an ex fat tortilla girl one key factor in maintaining good healthy weight is chewing! yes chewing! lol Thinking about what you are eating and enjoying your food to fulfill your craving. But I didnt learn. It wasnt untill I traveled to Spain that I learned to enjoy dinners daily.
So just a quick tip that I am sure will only enrich your life and your experience. Take time to have a dinner not just feed yourself. Slow down. Put the email away. Try to even turn off your TV. Sit. Eat. Talk. Enjoy!
Fun Places & Things To Do, Travel

3 Day Itinerary Barcelona

I recently returned from a trip to Spain where I spent 3  wonderful days in Barcelona or should I say Barthelona. The Spaniards have me lisping everything I sthay….  🙂  It was my first time visiting Spain and starting in Barcelona was a pleasant surprise. I will share with you a few of the highlights ( in my opinion) of the city and a few must do things and places to visit while visiting. One of the first places we went to visit is the beach. Now being a California girl I am a bit jaded with beaches. I expect a lot. If it isn’t beautiful white soft sand, nice waves to ride a surf board or calm bath like waters you find in Mexico or the Caribbean….I think most beaches are so-so…so Barcelona isn’t the type of place you go to hangout at the beach. You go there to explore and enjoy the Spanish lifestyle! So after one too many bites of paella we headed back and walked along La Rambla. It is the most beautiful tree-lined pedestrian friendly street in the city. It is full of street vendors, stores and markets. I suggest a nice walk through this street and do make sure to stop at the central market and try some jamon or cheese selection.

One of the things I quickly picked up and understood was why the Spanish eat dinner so late? I have heard that they have dinner around 10pm and it only took one day to understand. The sun doesn’t even set until about 930pm so at 10pm you are catching the sunset. It is such a wonderful experience. We spent most of the first day there in Barcelona’s most eastern area. On day 2 we visited the northern city where you will find many of  famous architect Antoni Gaudí homes whose facades he designed. Here is one of my favorites.


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If you are in the mood for top-notch shopping Avinguda Diagonal or The Portal de l’Àngel,just off Placa de Catalunya, is lined with an endless array of shops selling the most exclusive brands of clothing and accessories. I headed to Spanish companies like ZARA to take advantage of lower prices than in the states. Yes I saved my receipt and so should you if you spend a lot then before exiting Spain you can get reimbursed on your sales taxes. (hit-hint).
Our 3rd day there we dedicated to visiting la Sagrada Família basicilia. I recommend waking up super early to beat the crowds. At first sight this building is so impressive. The scale of it compared to the smaller buildings surrounding it make it look massive! And it is! I highly recommend getting a tour guide to teach you the history and explanations and hidden meanings this building has. Our tour guide was excellent! They are still doing construction to it and it is scheduled to be completed in 2026. I guess I will have to make a return trip there to admire the beauty.


Afterwards, we spent the later morning at Park Güell is a garden complex with architectural elements situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona. The views are spectacular! Again, highly recommend a guide because the park has so much history and meaning behind all of Gaudís’ work. You have to sit at the worlds longest bench. Its agronomic design truly helps your back and feels incredibly comfortable! We finished this day with heading towards the International Expo and Olympic park area.

In general food in Spain is jamon, jamon, jamon, paella, fried foods and umm more fried foods. In my opinion not the best, but my oh my the wine! Loved EVERY wine I tried. I had high end expensive bottles and budget friendly ones and all were tasty and smooth.


If you are only there for a few ours as part of a cruise ships stop…good luck being able to experience and view all that Barcelona has to offer. It is impossible! Not even my 3 days there were enough, but better than no days. To live how the Spaniards live. To relax and enjoy lunch for 2 hours. To drink, eat and be marry! That is what Spaniards do best and that is what Barcelona showed me.

Buzz & Bella, Health & Fitness, What's Cookin

Homemade Organic Dog Food Recipes

If you are a dog owner learning how to make dog food will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever give your beloved dogs. I will share with you one of my favorite organic dog food recipes homemade here, but first let me tell you how it all began. A few years ago my boyfriend and I bought our first dog together a cute Boston Terrier. We fell in love with him so much that we ended up getting our second Boston Terrier a few weeks later. Organic Dog Food Recipe

Our lives have never been the same and I mean that in a positive way. So when our puppies started having digestive issues and refused to eat their store bought food, like any parent we rushed them to veterinarian office and had them checked up. The only thing our vet could recommend is buying this expensive “vet recommended” dry kibble that was like $80 a bag and lasted only 3 weeks. This new “special” food only worked for a few days. We soon noticed our dogs having the same issues of diarrhea and not wanting to eat their food. My boyfriend and I were pretty stuck and worried. We were not sure what to do and what could help them. I have always been an advocate of healthy eating and have spent more than 10 years without touching any fast food and inspecting the ingredient list on virtually everything I eat…so why not treat my dogs the same way? My boyfriend and I started to look into what dog food was made of and comprised of and we were both pretty disgusted! 2 of the 100 ingredients were actually things I would want to feed my puppies so my boyfriend got the idea of making our own dog food so we did and since then all is history! Our puppies LOVE eating their organic dog food, we save money and they are very healthy, active and may I add very cute! So to all my dog owner friends out there I am sharing with you my very own organic dog food recipe you can easily make at home. Your dog will love you for it!

2-3 Whole Organic Chickens

1 Bag or 10 Loose Organic Carrots

5 Medium Size Sweet Potatoes

1 Bag of Frozen Organic Peas or green beans

3 Cups of Organic Brown Rice

Necessary equipment: A real good chopper! I love the Ninja. You can pick one up at Wal-Mart for $20

Step One
In a large pot fill with water and add your whole chickens. Bring water to boil and cover with a lid. Let it cook for 2 to 3 hours until chicken is very tender and disenagrates to the touch.

Step Two

Take your chickens out and place in a colander. While in the colander using two forks or any type of utensil continue to shredded the chicken and remove all bones. ( I recommend you wait an hour to let the chicken cool before doing this step)

Organic Dog Food Recipes Homemade

Step Three

While your chicken is being cooked or cooled wash your veggies and chop up your carrots and sweet potatoes. Cook your brown rice and begin to boil your peas and or green beans.



Organic Dog Food Recipes Homemade

Organic Dog Food Recipes Homemade


Step Four

Mixing! Grab two large containers of your choice and begin proportioning your ingredients. I like to make each batch with a 60/30/10 ratio. I like to put 60% chicken, 30% vegetables and 10% brown rice. The brown rice acts as a filler so make sure not to add too much of it.


They are both ready to eat! That is the before….
This is the after….


Clean plate! Nothing at all left & healthy puppies!

I keep one batch to feed both my puppies and the other batch I freeze and then bring it out when I need it.

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, Side Dishes & Salsas, Weekday Easy Dinners, What's Cookin

Just Like Chipotle’s Burrito Bowl Recipe

I remember the first time I stepped inside a Chipotle I nearly walked in with my head down dragging my feet in shame. How can a California girl who grew up on home made Mexican food, who is surrounded by numerous taco shops & delicious Mexican food come to such an establishment…and actually enjoy it!?? Well I had to eventually love it since I moved from San Diego and called the NYC my home. No authentic Mexican around here, so I settled for Chipotle. It isn’t as bad as you may think in fact I really do truly enjoy it. I like it so much that I have created a Chipotle burrito bowl night at my home for dinner. In this post I will share with you my Just Like Chipotle’s Burrito Bowl Recipe…(minus the bacon in the beans and minus the extra 500 calories your butt will thank you for)

Brown or White Rice (Brown is healthier) IMG_20130516_185506
Black Beans
Chicken Breast
Yellow Onions
Purple Onions

Step One

Clean black beans and let them soak in water for 30minutes.
For every cup of black beans you make, add 2 cups of water fill pot with water
Add 1 tablespoon of salt (not a mountain full just a little)
Bring to boil and then cover with lid and turn heat to low. let it cook for 2 hours.
** I usually make these ahead of time or on a day you have errands to do at home just let them cook.

Step Two
Make yourself some rice or use leftover rice.

Step Three
Make the Pico de Gallo
Click HERE to check out my step-by-step recipe on how to make Pico de Gallo

Step Four
Make the famous Corn Salsa from Chipotle. Click Here for a step by step guide.

Step Five
Dice your chicken breast and add a little salt and pepper and place in a non stick pan to grill. Check chicken and make sure it is cooked thoroughly.

Step Six
The fun begins! Start with add rice ( I serve myself very little since I kinda like my fit body right now…no need for extra carbs for me ) and add black beans on top. These beans are very healthy and are packed with fiber & iron.

Add your grilled chicken.

Add your Corn Salsa
Add Pico de Gallo
Dice up some lettuce just like at Chipotle and wah-lah! Done!

Health & Fitness, Side Dishes & Salsas, What's Cookin

Just Like Chipotle’s Corn Salsa Recipe

I always ask them for a double scoop when I am at Chipotle this awesome corn salsa is too good not to get to heaping spoonfuls of it! Here is my very easy step-by-step guide on how to make corn salsa just like the one at Chipotle Mexican Grill. Here is y Just Like Chipotle’s Corn Salsa Recipe Chipotles-Corn-and-Roasted-Poblano-Salsa-1-of-2


Canned Corn
Purple Onion
Salt & Pepper

Just Like Chipotle's Corn Salsa Recipe

Step One
Drain and poor canned corn into your bowl

Step Two
Thinly dice the purple onion. How much to add is up to you and your liking. Add to bowl.

Step three
Wash and finely chop cilantro. Add to bowl.
Just Like Chipotle's Corn Salsa Recipe

Step Four
Add pepper to the bowl of all ingredients, mix and Enjoy!Leave me a comment if you liked it or have an alternative recipe.

Entertaining, Health & Fitness, Side Dishes & Salsas, What's Cookin

How To Make Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo is one of my favorite Mexican salsas. How to make Pico de Gallo is even more fun and easy! Pico de Gallo is a called a “salsa fresca” in that the ingredients are left raw and it is a salsa that is not liquid based and is often used as the main ingredient in dishes such as tacos, chipotle bowls or simply place in a large bowl and serve with tortilla chips for dipping! Everyone is sure to love it.Here is my very own recipe passed on from generation to generation and I am sharing it with you hoping that you make it and enjoy it!


5-6 Tomatoes
1 Lime
1/4 of a Yellow Onion
2 Chile serranos (optional)
Salt & pepper to taste!

* You will need a mixing bowl to place ingredients
How To Make Pico de Gallo

Step One
Wash and dice tomatoes and place in a bowl
How To Make Pico de Gallo

Step Two
Dice onions into very small 1cm size cubes add to the bowl

Step Three
Wash cilantro and take a handful of the springs and chop very finely


Step Four
Add serrano chiles if you would like. Check out my article How To Properly Cut Chiles on how to do it and add it to your bowl!

Step Five
Mix all ingredients in bowl and add pepper (I like to add a lot) & sprinkle some salt (be gentle on the salt)

How To Make Pico de Gallo

Step Six
Squeeze some fresh lime juice and mix again! Place in your serving bowl or stuff your tacos with it & enjoy!!

How To Make Pico de Gallo

Side Dishes & Salsas, What's Cookin

How To Properly Cut A Chile

Some love them, some hate them, but we all know what a chile is and I am not talking about the country. How to properly cut a chile is a skill and should be learned by any cook out there who wants to use them as part of their cooking. Chiles come in all varieties or colors, flavors and spiciness. Here is a tip: The smaller the chile, the spicier it is! Follow my step by step guide on how to properly cut a chile.

How To Properly Cut A Chile

How To Properly Cut A Chile

Step One

Wash and lay chiles on a cutting board.

Step Two
Cut the tail off

Step Three

Slice the chile in half horizontally

How To Properly Cut A Chile

Step Four
Remove the seeds from the inside


Step Five
Dice chile as your recipe calls for
How To Properly Cut A Chile


Soups & Stews, What's Cookin

Vietnamese Butternut Squash Soup

The Vietnamese cuisine is a blend of European French influences and eastern Vietnamese flavors. Traditional Vietnamese cooking is greatly admired for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of oil, and reliance on herbs and vegetables. With the balance between fresh herbs and meats and a selective use of spices to reach a fine taste, Vietnamese food is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide. This recipe is one of my favorites and such a great soup to have on a cloudy rainy spring day or cold wintery evening! Make a lot of Vietnamese Butternut Squash Soup and enjoy it with friends! Vietnamese Butternut Squash Soup

Ingredient List

To serve 5-6 adults

3 Leg quarters or 5 chicken Breast ( depends if you want dark or white meat)
1 Whole Butternut Squash
1/2 cup or 1 whole cup of Granulated chicken broth or chicken powder
3-4 tablespoon Fish Sauce (You can substitute it for soy sauce if you do not have any)
4-5 tablespoon Minced Garlic
1/2 tablespoon Pepper
1/2 tablespoon Cayenne Pepper
1/2 tablespoon Garlic Powder
1/2 tablespoon Onion Powder
3 swigs Lemon Juice

Fish Sauce is an important ingredient in all Vietnamese recipes. You can buy it at a specialty store or order it online. A little of this sauce goes a long way!IMG_20130512_105426

To Garnish

Skin and clean your chicken and place in a pot of water to boil. Let boil. Once it is cooked, strain chicken and then chop it up into 1″ x 1″ cubes.

While the chicken is cooking, begin to prepare your Butternut Squash.
First Grab a potato peeler and peel the butternut.

Second, cut the butternut in half length wise and scoop out and clean the inside

Now begin to cut it into cubes about 2″ x 2″ big.
Vietnamese Butternut Squash Soup

In a new clean bigger pot fill with water to create you soup base.
Add all of the above mentioned ingredients including butternut squash.
Cover with a lid and let it boil.
Once it is boiled add the chicken cubes to the soup base.
Let it continue to boil for an additional 25-30 minutes.
Check your butternut squash at this time to make sure it is soft to the touch, but be careful and do not over cook where it crumbles. (Soft cubed mash potatoes is what you want)

Serve in a bowl with a 1 scoop of white rice (optional) garnish with cilantro and lime.
Vietnamese Butternut Squash Soup

If too bland… Add a little fish sauce and/or granulated chicken broth

The longer the soup soaks (age) the better the flavor the soup is…