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Health & Fitness, My Thoughts

Boscia Enlivening Amino-AG Eye Treatment Review

This post is my review and opinion on Boscia enlivening amino-AG eye treatment review. Whether you decide to use this or not or if you decide to use it and hate, don’t be mad at me! Do it at your own risk.

They say “Your eyes are the window to your soul” and what is there to say about the little area of skin that surrounds our eye?? Ever been called raccoon eyes? Or been told “you look very tired today” Well I have been guilty of both! And let me tell you I wanted to slap that person silly! In life no matter how you slice it you are judge on how you look. So caring for your body, your skin and what you wear in my opinion is very important.

As I entered the last years of my 20’s, yes people I am no ashamed to share my age! I am actually quite proud. If you check out my before and after below. The picture on the left I am 18 years old an you be the judge, but I think I look better at 29 than I did at 18. At age 29 you can tell I am not wearing a pound of make up or fake eye lashes… just my everyday make up.

So recently I have recently become a face product junkie. Trying out and using all types of lotions and potions. In this blog I will review what I have found to be a very good eye cream, Bosiacs enlivening amino-AG eye treatment.

For a little under $40 for .5oz you get a great eye cream free of Parabens,Sulfates,Synthetic Fragrances or dyes and a whole lot more! I suffer from under eye circles and although I have no crows feet I do use it to prevent them from popping up. The eye cream has no color or scent and goes on very smoothly. With past eye creams I have tried it is very gooey and you almost have to drag it across your eye. You do not have to worry about having to do that with this one! I recommend to apply eye cream every night before going to sleep and in the morning. The eye cream feels very refreshing and almost feels like a force field around your eyes. It seeps in well and does not sting your eyes.
In the end a well worth eye cream for anyone! Worth the expense and the time it takes to put it on!

Have you used it? Love it or hate it? Share and connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Share with us other products you have loved.

Health & Fitness

Food Rules for Guaranteed Weight Loss

My 6 food commandments for guaranteed weight loss are not very hard to follow and may not be that surprising, but then again maybe they can help you and that is what I hope for. Here are my Food Rules for Guaranteed Weight Loss.

Are you eating too much of this  


The biggest excuse for eating junk food is “I don’t have enough time” or “I don’t have enough money”. My last name is not Hilton and I do not sit at home all day, so I feel you. One thing I do is to cook a lot of my own food and here are some things to keep in mind when you’re tired of eating chicken breast and broccoli or tuna on your diet. So one thing you may want to do this weekend is what I call a Fridge Makeover.


You cannot make yourself over without first getting rid of and adding things to eat that are better for you.  Spend sometime this weekend making over your fridge. You cant leave candy in front of a kid and expect him not to eat it, so do not think you can do the same. I call these the 6 Food Commandments. Keep them always stocked in your kitchen and make meals using them.

Spices &Herbs

Have these at home and add them to just about anything for flavor. Thyme, bay leaves, cayenne pepper, garlic, cilantro are some of my favorites to cook with. Notice they are all natural and do not come from a bottle. Sorry BBQ sauce, ketchup, teriyaki sauce are not consider a spice or herb.


I try to not eat red meat often and limit myself to special occasional juicy steak. Red meat takes a long time to digest and it is recommended by many health professionals to not eat it often. Other forms of protein are egg whites, tofu and shakes.

Fish & Poultry

My personal favorites are salmon and chicken breast. I liked this dry white meat before I knew it was healthy. The secrete is to per marinate your chicken breast to make it juicy and tasty.


I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I am like a chubby kid at weight loss camp, because I keep a stash of chocolates or cookies always. I have learned that if I do not eat it when I crave it, I will just end up eating more. So I have a small piece to satisfy that craving. We all have different taste buds, maybe yours is salty. Find a healthier substitute for some of your favorites.


The more the merrier! The greener the better! Keep those in mind. Spinach, broccoli, bok choy, carrots, peppers, etc keep vegetables in stock at your house always. They make an excellent additional to any meat or fish.

Whole Grains & Brown Rice

I am a cheap date! When I go out to eat sometimes the thing I love best is the breadbasket! I love carbs! I have learned not all carbs are created equal. To be a lot more health conscious I have opted for making brown rice just as often as I make white rice. Also I try to opt in having whole grain breads…magic word is TRY because I sure do love my Pan Dulce!

What are some of your favorite health recipes? Connect with me or leave a comment share yours with us!

Health & Fitness

Lose The Belly Fat Without Starving

Is it possible to lose the belly fat without starving?? You betcha! With Spring only a few days away as weather heats up our clothes come right down! We start to show a lot more skin and have less big baggy clothes to cover up some of the not so in shape areas of our bodies. As a former “Tortilla Girl” I have struggled with weight for a large part of my life, but happy to say that as of age 25 and now more than 3 years I have mastered the art of staying healthy and in shape.

And no people I am not born with that crazy metabolism where I can eat junk and fattening foods and be skinny. I gain weight quite fast. And to my other snobby skeptical people who think “oh of course she is skinny because she doesn’t eat anything!” Then sorry to burst your bubble but there are better things to do with your life than be jealous of my shape and my lifestyle that brings me to wine and dine at some of the best places in the world, with the best people.

Losing weight and staying in shape is easy, unless of course you have a medical issue which you should get professional help, but for the other millions of men and women who have no excuse then just attempt to start one day and follow a healthy eating plan not just to be skinny, but be healthy. I too know tons of “skinny” people who well… just aren’t very healthy. They have mushy arms and legs, cant walk up stairs if you paid them and have cholesterol levels higher than most. So skinny does not mean healthy. So I have a lot to share, from my own transformation, but in this post I will simply share the fundamentals and in the next few weeks I will share some of my favorite low calorie, low fat and high in nutrition recipes that are simple to make and cheap!

If you aren’t already a friend on FACEBOOK. Connect with me now! Follow my fun food chronicles as I share some of my favorite treats and hidden gems around NYC and the world!


Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, Personal Growth, Relationships

Social Media Bad Manners

This has to be one of the most annoying and worst things you can do for your own image… why use social networks to talk bad about YOUR significant other? Maybe you got in a fight and you are upset. Maybe you have issues with communication and not being able to express yourself you’re your half emo so you rather sit behind a computer and talk badly or express your frustrations with your other half to your online friends. Ok you are forgiven. However, if after reading this and you continue or you know a friend who does this and you let them continue then shame on you!

My question to you is, “why are you still with this person???” If they cause you so much anger, pain, annoyance and everything else, is the $ex really that good?? Maybe it is your sugar momma/daddy and your bills need to get paid somehow. Or is it that you are married? Whatever it is, in my opinion you have no excuse. I have said it again and again: I rather eat beans for the rest of my life than to be so dependent of someone financially that I have to put up with fights, rules and just a lot of unhappiness.
I know of several people in business with others where they put up with their business partners unrealistic expectations and just odd “rules”. They pretty much sell their freedom and soul to them to trade it for money. How sad. In relationships I hope that if there is true love buried somewhere that the two parties involve have enough patience and understanding where they can work it out. In the mean time watch what you put out to the public.

Don’t post cryptic status messages for all to see every time you get into a fight. Posts cryptic status messages that make it obvious you are pissed at whatever guy/girl you’re dating at the time is not cool. If you have mutual friends and all those same friends are seeing your negative post about the guy/girl all your friends know, you are only making your friends feel awkward and of course wonder what’s going on…here are some examples:

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you..”

Oh and “It’s Complicated” Relationship Status

“What’s good for tonight? Tryna find somethin to do since my boyfriend would rather go to a whack ass club..smfh”

Bottom line is, don’t air your dirty laundry out in public. If you have major issues keep reading my post, contact me so you can work on becoming a better communicator so you can address these and any issues. Have some funny annonymous relationship social network status you want to share?

Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, Relationships

The 5 Love Languages

If you have ever wondered why your girlfriend never seems to be content or happy when you by her gifts? Or maybe that he never seems to care that you do errands around the house? We all have our own little way of showing how we love others and how we like to be loved. If you believe that we are all created equal and can be treated the exact same way then you must also believe in the tooth fairy and should not ignore this post. Several years ago I came across this book and I learned about this theory of the The 5 love languages it really changed my life and I give it credit for helping me create and maintain a loving, respectful & abundant relationship with my fiance, but I would be naive to think what to me feels like a fairytale relationship, would stay this way on it’s own without some bumps in the road. So the 5 love languages are an important to understand. Here is a quick video to help you visually see and understand the 5 love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch.

Relationships and people are ever growing beings! We are like plants. We will have our times of full bloom and our times when our flowers die and a time when the soil we are planted in needs time to replenish its nutrients in the soil…to bloom again. During this metamorphosis, we as the girlfriends, wives, husbands, etc . of someone can be ugly, irrational, unappreciative people. So are ALL relationships that go through these withering times bound to fail? How then do you explain those that rebound from these times and grow stronger together?
In my opinion bad relationships boil down to two people not chemically connected (which means they wouldn’t be dating too long) and for those in a long relationship turning sour it is most likely two people speaking the incorrect love language to one another and a lot of misunderstanding. If you have ever felt unappreciative, not loved, respected and not wanted it may not always be that your partner really doesn’t love you he or she is simply speaking to you in the wrong love language.

I cannot stress to you enough if you are in a relationship to familarize yourself with this theory and understand the 5 languages of love. So what is your love language? Stop hesitating and click here to take the test and learn more!

Share with us what Love Language you are! Leave me a comment below or connect with me on FACEBOOK

Love & Marriage

How Hobbies Help Your Relationship

How Can Hobbies Help? Can they help you personally? At work? In a relationship? I think all of the above. Here I discuss how hobbies can really help you have a successful and happy relationship. Wether it is cooking, a sport, pastime, something anything can really help keep you and your significant other keep that relationship love steaming.

When my fiance wanted to get a dog, I supported the idea. I had not had a dog since I was a little kid and even then I was not the one taking care of it, so I really did not know what to expect. Well let me tell ya, I love that dog! And we even got a second dog! I am sharing this story because our dogs have become in a way a hobby or a pastime for us. We enjoy doing activities for our pups together. Many times we may think hobbies mean spending money, but that does not have to be the case. Meet Buzz and Bella… our awesome Boston Terriers!



One great thing we enjoy doing together and it has become another hobby of ours is cooking. What better thing than to prepare a meal together to then be able to enjoy it together. I am not a natural at cooking. I admit being pretty terrible. The last couple of months of cooking together has really made me a better cook and has opened me up to a new hobby.


We LOVE riding bikes, snowboarding, adventure stuff of all types together too!


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What if you do not live together? Not a problem! None of what I have mentioned needs to be done with someone you live. If you only see each other on weekends that is great and very doable.
So stop making excuses ad find something you both enjoy and make a point to do it together and become better at it.

Love & Marriage, People Skills, Relationships

How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone Fast

Oh the friend zone!! So beautiful to have a close friend, but yet so darn aggravating to have just a great friend. Do you have your eyes on somebody? They answer your calls? Hangout with you, but they see you only as a “friend”? Here is how to how to get out of the friend zone fast…

This has to be one of the most annoying zones to be in and I will share with you a few tips on how to get out of that zone.

I remember when I was in high school, I was the QUEEN of the Friend Zone. I had so many guy friends, more than guys themselves! I hung out with them, but no more than that. I was never the girl they wanted to date. As I got older I got smarter and well looking better also helped, but I learned a few things I could do to change it from just a friend to someone they would like to date.

Do Not Make Them The Priority
Biggest mistake we can make is make them think your world reveolves around them. Do you find yourself saying “YES” to everything they want to do or say? If you are catering your weekends, phone calls and plans to them then… STOP IT! Next time tell them your busy or a simple “I’m not sure about that”.
Make More Friends
Yeah this one is easy… just make more friends. Whether it is new ones or the same ones you have, make sure to dedicate some time to them too and not just your lover Friend.

Look A Little Different
If this friend always sees you dressed a certain way maybe you are a little comfortable with them so you don’t dress your best or maybe your hair doesn’t look as great as it could… change it up! Next time you know you will see them make sure you make the extra effort to get the “Damn you lookin sexyyy”

The interesting thing is that once you find that special someone… it is the FRIENDSHIP built that keeps the two of you together for a lifetime! Love+Friendship is the winning combo!

My Thoughts

What Does The Year Of The Dragon Hold For You?

Every year I like to give my little two cents on my personal opinion and take on how the new zodiac year will affect us. Some may think I have completely lost my mind with this “Hokus-Pocus” stuff, but to them I say “You are entitled to your own beliefs” and to those who like me always keep a little ear perked up and eye open to ideas and perspectives, then I hope you enjoy this.

Before I begin I must clarify that this IS NOT a “you will have a great year” type of post nor do I believe in that, to me Astrology is no more than a study of our universe and the scientific compilation of many non co-existing civilizations history and beliefs. If you travel outside your little side, boro or town, you will notice that the world is marked and painted with remains of astrology. From buildings in Europe, Pyramids in Peru to Grand Central station in New York City… they all have some sort of astrological meaning or touch. So to me there is something often unspoken and very often ignored truths and ties to Astrology and here are my two cents on The Year of The Dragon!

Last year was the Year of The Rabbit and if you read my post you know I was right on target with the love in the air. I am sure this year more than ever it felt like EVERYONE was having babies or getting married… Was I not right?? Click Here to read my post from last year.

Dragons are seen as very lucky creatures. They are innovative and fearless and this year has the potential to wreck havoc and boast individual and social economics. The last year of the Dragon was 2000 we all remember the Y2K bug, don’t we? Well with December 2012 looming with the “end of the world” you can see that certain energies and “ideas” replicate themselves… No end of the worlds here!
But then again, the good old saying goes “Whatever you think, you become” so if you find yourself reading, writing, talking about economic doom, world collapse and hardships, it is very likely your life will be plagued by that. On the bright side, I like to stay prepared, but focus on positive things.

This year the Dragon promises to get us all out of our conformity states. Dragons naturally like to be the bosses, not have rules and conform to routines and authority. Now we can see this as both good and bad. The good is that we may feel more willing to venture to try new things we had always put behind. Maybe you have always wanted to take flying lessons or learn to dance better, this just may be the year you go and do it. You may also find yourself making more decisions. It could be that your family or work place in the past confined things. They had a say or restricted you from who to date, where to go and what to do. My friend, I think this is the year you wake up and grow up! FREEDOM is what you crave.

The 2012 Dragon is a water dragon, making him better equipped to take a step back to re-evaluate a situation because they understand the art of patience. An art I myself have not yet mastered!

Now lets talk about how it may effect you in LOVE. The dragon’s energy is passionate, giving and totally partial when it comes to love. So if you happen to have recently found someone you have chemistry with you may find that this connection intensifies and if you were already in a great relationship, this year may be the year things become more solid and serious with the one you are with as long as you can FEED each others needs. You may find that this year you want more attention, sex and affection. If your current partner is not giving it to you more than ever, you will find yourself wanting it and if not happily content, you could easily see one or the other spit their ways.

I hate to say it, but this can be a year full of divorce, breakups and…. Cheating! Yup! When the Dragon energies of lust and attention are not met, the animalistic side of us, can and will find a way to get that area in their love life fed. So ladies and gentlemen, pay attention to your partner. Remember that a great relationship truly is like watering a plant. If you treat it well, it will treat you well.

Nonetheless, the 2012 Water Dragon is most likely to bestow the Chinese Five Blessings of harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity, adding even more weight to the growing belief that 2012 will be about breakthroughs, not disasters.

Happy New Year!

Entrepreneur's Corner, Real Estate

Staging Your Home To Sell Fast

Staging your home to sell fast does not mean you roll our the red carpet or need a Broadway stage. Today I will share with you home staging in the real estate market and how it can help sell your home faster. What is it and why do you need to consider it if you are a real estate professional helping a client sell their home or a homeowner looking to get the most for your home I will answer that next.

  • • Staging – preparing a residence for sale in real estate. Allocating proper materials and furniture in proper areas to display functional use of space.

Deciding to have your home stages may be one of the most important consideration as you begin the process of selling your home. It is always tempting to just sell and list it “as is”. However I will share with you some personal experience as well as statistics that show staged homes fare better in the marketplace.


What Is Home Staging?

Staging is simply taking an empty or cluttered home and strategically placing the right amount of furniture in each room that displays the use of each room. For example, if you have an open concept home where one large area is supposed to be the living and dining room, you may want to stage it! Bring in a dining room table and chairs and a living room set and place it accordingly in that open undefined space. Staging allows your prospective buyers to visualize themselves living there.

You do not know how many times I have taken clients to non stage homes and their remarks are always well “what would I use this room for” or many times the house is so messy it looks cramped and dated and well down right dirty! No one wants to feel that way when they are on the verge of making what could be their single most expensive purchase.

There are many professional home staging companies that provide full service for you! They bring in furniture, accessories pretty much all the bells and whistles! Call around and ask and more importantly read referrals and check out their portfolio to see if there work is something you like.

What if you really do not have the money to stage your home?

Do it yourself!

If you or your clients are currently still living in the home you are selling or really do not have the upfront budget to stage a home, be like Nike and “Just Do It!

House With Furniture: LESS = MORE.

I understand that many times we may be living in the actual home that we are trying to sell and it can be difficult to accommodated the moving boxes and your everyday life around strangers visiting your home. But I will share with you how a little organization and de cluttering can really do wonders for the way your home shows and presents it self to potential buyers.

Check out the picture below:


Brighting up the room and clearing away the mess is where to start and it as complicated as it needs to get. I love how people like to complicate what staging is, but it is simple: Make the Rooms In Your House Look Like And Be Used For The Intended Purpose.

Yeah so storing your clothes in the kitchen cabinets may not be the best idea! Get rid of them!

Try to store or (throw) away clutter! Try keeping the number of things in each room to a minimal. This helps create the idea of space and everyone can appreciate a clean and neat room. So maybe a garage sell this weekend??

Here are some simple things you can immediately do that are low cost and can help create a better selling environment for your home.

1. You may have a table in your dining room, but how about setting it with nice plates and silverware?             Something as simple as that can really boost the visualization of your potential buyers.

2. Add scented candles and new fluffy towels to your bathroom.   

3. Store away all but a few of your children’s toys.

4. Cleans all your windows of your home. Outside and In.

5. If It is a warm season, plant some color flowers out in your front entry. It makes your home inviting and catches the eye of a potential buyer.









Try those few simple steps and you will see an improvement!  You can see up to an 800% return on investment in doing the things I just shared. Stay tuned for my next article where I share with you how I staged a medium sized single family home, for under $500! Thats right, under $500 and I did it myself.

My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

New Years Resolution NOT To Bother Making

To Finally Find A Boyfriend/Girlfriend

New years is not a symbolic time for you to reflect on how long you have been single and how this year you will find “the one” Get over it! As much as I speak about dating and how to date more people, I never, speak about rushing into things or in that you need to be in a relationship. In Spanish we have a saying “Mas vale sola que mal acompanada” means “it is better to be alone that to be in bad company” and through my time as a single, when I was actively dating I always kept that little phrase in mind. In fact, too often the issue with my most troubled clients is that they are Mr. and Miss Desperate. They want to so badly make the next person that looks at them their boyfriend or girlfriend that they scare that person away. So instead of resolving to get into a relationship, why not improve your own personal self confidence and become a better networker and conversationalist so you can meet more people naturally and the right one for you will show up this year or next or…

What are you waiting for? Check out Uncensored Dating to get your hands on some advance techniques sure to help.