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Health & Fitness

Lose The Belly Fat Without Starving

Is it possible to lose the belly fat without starving?? You betcha! With Spring only a few days away as weather heats up our clothes come right down! We start to show a lot more skin and have less big baggy clothes to cover up some of the not so in shape areas of our bodies. As a former “Tortilla Girl” I have struggled with weight for a large part of my life, but happy to say that as of age 25 and now more than 3 years I have mastered the art of staying healthy and in shape.

And no people I am not born with that crazy metabolism where I can eat junk and fattening foods and be skinny. I gain weight quite fast. And to my other snobby skeptical people who think “oh of course she is skinny because she doesn’t eat anything!” Then sorry to burst your bubble but there are better things to do with your life than be jealous of my shape and my lifestyle that brings me to wine and dine at some of the best places in the world, with the best people.

Losing weight and staying in shape is easy, unless of course you have a medical issue which you should get professional help, but for the other millions of men and women who have no excuse then just attempt to start one day and follow a healthy eating plan not just to be skinny, but be healthy. I too know tons of “skinny” people who well… just aren’t very healthy. They have mushy arms and legs, cant walk up stairs if you paid them and have cholesterol levels higher than most. So skinny does not mean healthy. So I have a lot to share, from my own transformation, but in this post I will simply share the fundamentals and in the next few weeks I will share some of my favorite low calorie, low fat and high in nutrition recipes that are simple to make and cheap!

If you aren’t already a friend on FACEBOOK. Connect with me now! Follow my fun food chronicles as I share some of my favorite treats and hidden gems around NYC and the world!


Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, What's Cookin

Cheap Low Calorie Snacks

Whether you are currently dieting, thinking about it or eating everything in sight, this cheap low calorie snack is for you! It is fast, quick, and easy to make and oh yeah D-Lish-ous! It is one of my favorite cheap and low calorie snacks out there.

If you are watching your weight looking to “get it tight, get it right” for the summer this snack is perfect for you! The key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is to eat about 5 “mini meals” of 200-400 calories each a day and not the old fashion what your momma taught you of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your metabolism is like a computer; if you do not feed it for several hours it goes on “screen saver” so it is resting and NOT burning calories. Many of you might say “oh but I have no time to make food” or ” I have no money” then lucky you because I will share with you my top full proof $2 meals.

For the “Apple Pie A la Mode” you will need the following:

1 Apple of Your Choice ( I prefer to buy organic because apples have the highest amount of pesticide residue on their skin) — .50-.75cents

2 Tablespoon Scoops of Greek Yogurt – I buy the 17-20oz for about $6 about .30 cents an ounce…. 3oz used — .90cents

2 Tablespoon Scoops of Raw Oats – Oatmeal is the best and cheapest thing to buy — a few cents used here…

Dust With Cinnamon – Cinnamon has NO calories and high in antioxidants. Use as much as you want! – The $1 you bought last year is still in your kitchen.

Totally qualifies as one of my most made cheap low calorie snacks!
Chop the apples in bite size pieces and place in a bowl. Then take a table spoon and scoop two nicely rounded and full scoops on top of the apples. Scoop two table spoons of raw oats and then dust with as much cinnamon as you would like.

Thats it. Under 200 calories. No more than $2 for this serving and did I mention Delicious???

Did you try it? Did you like it? Share and connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, My Thoughts, What's Cookin

Detox Diets That Work

Decided you may need to detox? Been eating too much crap? Way to many things that come in fancy wrappers, color bubbly stuff and things you cannot pronounce? Alright you sick, mean, unappreciative B*&^$#@(d I will help ya out. A detox can be very beneficial. IN this post I talk about a few Detox Diets That Work!

Although there are many types of detox diets, most eliminate foods that contain potentially harmful substances and allow foods that support the body’s natural ability to rid itself of toxins, such as dark, leafy green vegetables. Overall food intake is usually reduced, ranging from small meals to full-fledge juice fast.

Here are a few of the most popular detox diets that work.
The Master Cleanse – Also called the lemonade diet, a fast that involves drinking only lemonade, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

To me this is the most challenging one and also not very convenient if you have to continue with day to day activity. Lugging around your “juice” that looks like pee may not be too fun.

Juice fasting – A type of fast that calls for consuming only fresh vegetable and fruit juices, such as beet juice and wheatgrass juice, and water.

Smoothie and Shake fasting – Involves drinking pureed or blended vegetable and fruit smoothies, especially green smoothies.
Commercial cleanse programs – Specially designed protein powders, vitamins, nutrients for detoxification. You buy these at local health markets of vitamin shops.

Raw Food Detox Diet – Based on the raw food diet. Involves only eating food that is raw or hasn’t been heated above 118 degrees.

My “Detox” Plan

I am doing a HYBRID of the Master Cleanse+ Raw Vegetables+ Puree soups. To me this is my favorite detox diet that works. I find that the morning routinue suggested in master cleanse helps get my digestion a kickstart and the drinking of lemon water but I add raw veggies and pure nothing added organic vegtable puree soups to keep my intake low. These are great




I avoid meats, anything processed and no sugars… that includes fruits….they have tons of hidden sugars. I also recommend you take probiotics during any of these cleanses is also highly recommended. My personal favorite is one made by YOR HEALTH it is highly potent and excellent for the digestive system.







And lastly I want to leave you with this.
One week of cleansing your body from hot cheetos, coke, big macs,cookies, fried chicken, etc will not change things for you. To see ultimate benefits you must adopt this healthier way of eating as a lifestyle. Today there are many options for organic and healthy food. Many times the cost difference isn’t much. Without complicating it to much I do and follow a Mediterranean Diet “Lots of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains”.



Have some successful detox stories or tips you would like to share?  Connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Health & Fitness

How to Prepare for a Half Marathon

2 Years ago I used to laugh at runners and say “why would you ever run for fun??” Today its one of my hobbies and secrets of success.

StrikeUp means to initiate. To start up something new. Maybe a new relationship, friendship or a hobby. Either way StrikeUp something!
Watch my video here to learn How to Prepare for a Half Marathon