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Entrepreneur's Corner, Personal Finance

Tip To Repair Your Credit Score

Here is a quick tip to repair your credit score I want to share with you since my last post about How To Fix Your Credit Score was well received and some of you showed interest. I wanted to give you one more tip on how to repair your credit score. I enjoy hearing form you guys on how things have helped you or maybe what other ways you have repaired your credit score. Please share. And If you feel the article is worthy then share it with a friend! 🙂 Thanks!

Tip To Repair Your Credit Score




1. Find our which one of your cards has the highest APR.
2. Once you identify the cards with highest APR, rank them by which card you have had open the longest.
3. Now you have the cards with the highest APR and oldest card ranked as card #1 and then #2 and so on.
4. From now on pay the MINIMUM on all the cards #2 thru whatever and on card #1 pay the most you can pay on that card without leaving yourself with no money for rent! Hahaha.

Try this tip and you will see that you will end up paying off that card and bringing the balance down faster with this technique. Once it is within management, you can now do the exact same technique for card #2 and continue until you have managed to pay off and or lower the balance on all your cards.

Credit cards are fantastic if you have self control and not need to buy every single “cute outfit” or new video game that comes out. Each time I have moved, I have had that old tenant’s mail continue to come to the house. I always shake my head when the old tenant keeps getting loads of mailings and billing collection notices from every single department store and Credit Card Company you can think of. I mean come on do you really need an Old Navy credit card??



Entrepreneur's Corner, Personal Finance

How To Fix Your Credit Score

If you are anything like me, I thought of my credit score as the BoogieMan. I was so afraid of even thinking about seeing the report or getting my score. You see like millions of Americans I too have been late with credit card bills, bought one or two or 100 useless expensive items that I do not own anymore, but am still paying off. Sound familiar?Oh and I cannot forget to mention to you that my credit card rampage started at age 18 as a freshman at UCLA when the halls and common areas would be full of credit card company representatives luring me to sign up for a card and due to these memories , I have prepared the following for you:

Top 6 Stupid Reasons People (A.K.A Adriana) Get/Got Credit Cards:

  1. The credit card offers the design of your favorite professional sports team
  2. The credit card with the tie-dye look or Hello Kitty Kat is too cute to say no!
  3. The credit card company is giving away a free beach towel, or frisbee, or hackey sack.
  4. You are at the JETs game and they will give you a “Limited Edition” rowdy towel if you sign-up now!
  5. You just need $500 worth of Victoria Secrete panties….like NOW!
  6. Because you can walk away today with your 60inch flat screen TV to play Battle Field3 or watch Entourage and not own anything for a year……

And all of our favorite saying: Charrrrrrge it!

Yes people I fell for those traps too! Hey the beach towel and T-shirt came in handy when you go to school in southern California and you do not like doing laundry.

My credit score used to be so bad I was unable to get my own cell phone service in my name, was rejected for a Macy’s credit card and the only cards I could get were the ones with a security deposit on them. So my years as a credit card owning woman have been many and well nothing to be too proud of, but today because of what I am going to share with you I have managed to rebound my credit in as little as 2 years to score higher than 60% of Americans, nothing to brag about, but sure better than it was before. Before I share a few tips on how to improve your credit score, let me debunk a few myths.

1. I Do Not Need To Know My Credit Score – FALSE

If you one day want to own a car, house or a couch to put in that house, you will most likely need to have good to excellent credit, therefore knowing what your score is now is important and should not be ignored

2. Credit Cards Are Bad – FALSE

Your parents may have told you this one before, but the truth is all wealthy people typically only buy using a credit card.

3. You Should Make Big Purchases in Cash – Not Exactly

There are several reasons why you would want to, if you have the available credit, to buy something using a credit card rather than cash. For one, if paid on time and complete, it can boost your credit score. Secondly a lot of credit card companies offer separate warranties on purchase made with their cards.

4. I Filled Bankruptcy, I Will Never Have Good Credit – FALSE.

Let’s just say this, Credit Card companies make money and are “successful”, when there are more people who default on their payments. They love having people in debt. After 7 years it is cleared from your report.So here is how to fix your credit score.

Ok so now here are something’s I did to improve my score:

1. Make a List of all Your Credit Cards

Provide this information, I use an excel sheet to track, highest credit limit, years it has been opened, balance due, and APR.

Now that you have this list, make the credit card that has the highest credit limit and has been opened for the longest amount of time be your most important card. Do that until you have somewhat of a ranking. Then;

2. Always, Always Make Your Payments On Time.

Short on cash? Having a tough month financially? Whatever it is, I am sure I have been there before, but always prioritize your monthly credit card bill to be paid and pay it on time. 355 of your credit report score is On Time Payments, this is a huge chunk of scoring high or low. So put the new LV purse or Air Nikes on hold, pay your credit cards first.

Only TWO things You Need To Do??

Ummm not that easy! But it is doable and I and a few friends of mine are proof!

I am not a credit expert, but these are just a few simple things I did to help improve my credit score within a short amount of time. Nothing can be done overnight, but by simply doing this I do promise your score can improve. Without good credit you can not and DO NOT have any buying power in America.

Do you want to eventually own your own home?

Buy a car?

Not have to get a cosigner for your cellphone?

Ummm maybe want to have furniture that is bought and owned and not by a rent-a-center???

Then your credit score needs a “facelift”?

Hey Everyone Needs An Extra Friend!  Connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Entrepreneur's Corner, My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

7 Habits of Unsuccessful People

Is there such a thing as habits of unsuccessful people? Well recently during a conversation I was reminded about the importance of time management. It feels like a century ago, that I used to be the type of person who needed to be reminded that I should have goals and things I want to accomplish for the week. At one point in my life, I had to learn how to prioritize things and be able to multitask. Today, being organized, having goals and successfully running several business & careers is hate to sound conceded but almost like second nature. But again, it was NOT always like that. One of the books I read that helped me become the person I am today was Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Successful People well here are 7 Habits of Unsuccessful People…

I can say it is almost foreign to come across and hangout with or even talk to people who have nothing going for themselves or what I deem to be “unsuccessful”. Most everyone I know has their sh*** together either working at a company that they enjoy, excelling at their career or education and or growing a business. And mind you what I mean by this is that these people are actively working on all this. They are not millionaires or bazillionaires, to me that’s awesome, but even working towards what you like in my opinion is a success! So what do I label as unsuccessful?   Well here are some common characteristics I believe unsuccessful people share I like to call it the 7 Habits of Unsuccessful People:


  1. 1. They have a bad attitude.

Its as simple as “whatever your mind believes, it achieves” So if your mind is constantly negative or thinking the world is against you, then it is clear to see why things just never seem to work out for you.


  1. 2. They think “poor me”

This is an attitude of pitty. These people are usually ones to think “why does all the bad stuff happen to me” or often times these people feel no one likes them or no one wants to help them. They remind me of a helpless frail dog. Often these are the same folks talking about how because they grew up in certain place or because of their sex or race they aren’t successful.


  1. 3. Have no purpose or goals

Did you ever as a kid play with big leafs and pretend they were boats? You ever see how they drift and have no real direction? That is what these people act and are like. They kind of just “go with the flow”. If you were to ask them what they are doing tomorrow or this weekend or anything they probably do not have a solid answer. It is always “I don’t know”. If you ask them what they like to do or their thoughts on things; they “don’t know” or have no opinion.

  1. 4. Always do just enough, never more.


Simple enough. Successful people stretch to do more and be more. Unsuccessful people just do enough. Whether it is as simple as cleaning their room to getting their life together. It is all the same. Their attitude of “just enough” keeps them unsuccessful


  1. 5. They are usually very messy

I once learned that people who are messy in their homes and who have messy cars, usually always have messy businesses, lives and relationships. So far, so true. I don’t believe I have ever met a messy successful person.



  1. 6. They think they know everything

These are the people who rarely listen and are not open to learn anything knew. You tell them or offer a suggestion and they respond with “oh I know” and do not listen fully to what you were attempting to share with them.


  1. 7. Always wake up late and have no plans for their days


Now don’t get me wrong I LOVE to sleep in…but to do it everyday?! Come’on now! Grow up and get with it. Having no plan for the day…everyday is just the biggest warning flag for disaster. When you are excited about life have goals and things you want to achieve you usually find yourself eager to get up and start working on those things. So if you find yourself not being in the mood to wake up, it probably has more to do with your ambition than the fact that you feel “tired”


If you find yourself just loligagging around, “oh hem hum let it slide” then I suggest you pick up some books, courses or sometimes even a friend. A friend who has a lifestyle or a way of looking at life that you can learn from and is willing to teach you (because most people could care less about you) then snatch them up and appreciate them for caring enough to share with you or tell you when your screwing up and how you can become better.

Have anymore habits to add? Let me know Here!



Entrepreneur's Corner, My Thoughts, People Skills, Relationships

What Is An Ass Kisser

What is an ass kisser? When someone says to you “why are you kissing their ass?” What exactly does that mean? Take a few minutes and read with me as we explore what an ass kisser is and if you are one or not.

You may have been the kid who bullies used to say “Oh you’re an ass kisser” or maybe you were taunted with “why are you kissing their ass?” The “ass kisser” when I was growing up was the kid who was nice to his teacher. The “ass kisser” in grade school was the kid who would bring in little gifts (mostly home made by their mother) to the teacher.

As adults, many (negative & immature) adults continue to use that word. They call the coworker who always greets their boss in the mornings with a “good morning” or the one who speaks to the human resources manager in a very polite and friendly way, the “ass kisser”. The employee who always shares his opinion, who volunteers to do things and who acts courteous to his coworkers, that employee is usually called by fellow employees the “ass kisser”.

But what really is an “ass kisser”?

Is it really that being kind and having something called…. MANNERS makes you an ass kisser? I think not! I think this phrase has been misused for years and the true “ass kissers” are under the radar.

You see in life people liking you and being kind, generous and having manners and etiquette can really get you far. Just pick up a few autobiographies and I can guarantee you that they probably acted in what the negative, immature society calls “ass kisser” type of way.

Haven’t you noticed that most people who say “thank you” and give other people compliments and say “good morning” to others… end up far ahead of everyone else?

Haven’t you noticed these people usually are the ones who have more friends, end up getting better jobs or promotions at existing jobs and are well liked by others?

People make the world go round and if you lack the ability or understanding of how important it is for people to like you and win people over then I hate to break it to you, but you are just destined to a life of rough up hill battles.
Crappy dead end jobs, negative friends, live in a poor neighborhoods and continue to have less and less meaningful relationships in your life. Again, my thoughts are QUALITY over QUANTITY.

If you do not have many people you can count;
You have been stuck at a dead end job;
It is hard for you to get a promotion or a raise;
You tend to be the one NOT invited anywhere;
Or you just simply have a stinky attitude, then I suggest you learn to be a better “ass kisser”.

When I come across “non ass kissers” I can’t help but feel sorry for them. They have this attitude of “the world is against me and F people”. What a sad way to live.

Who are the non ass kissers??
You can usually identify them by:

– They do not acknowledge other people. Walk into a house without saying hi to anyone or walk into their office and slump into their desk;
– They are unfamiliar with the word “Thank You”
– They have little to no real friends
– They are unable to have a conversation with someone.
– Are usually single or have “sex” partners. Aka a sex only relationship.
– Do not have things go their way.
– Usually get screwed over and can not get favors done for them.

So why do I think “ass kissers” have been mislabeled?

Because to me a true “ass kisser” is: someone who continues to be nice and polite to someone AFTER the fact that person has lied to them, disrespected them, scammed them or intentionally try to hurt them in any way. If you are STILL nice and cordial to people like that, then YOU ARE AN ASS KISSER! But do not confuse someone who is smart with their networking ability or who simply is generous and polite as an ass kisser…. that is two separate worlds.

I know a few people who have had all of the above happen to them. They were scammed. Scammed so obviously like those old Nigerian chain letter scams and not out of $10 or $100, but thousands!

One guy I knew gave another so called “successful investor” $80,00! Yes people $80,000 for his so called “investments”. You know typical “gold mines”, “hotel deals” Nigerian scam type of things. The guy NEVER got any substantial documentation of the “investment” any follow up.. nothing. It was like puff the magic dragon his money had no trace other than the initial deposit made into the “successful investors” account.  A whole year later still no word or trace of this investment and all the hopeful investor is getting in return is a $200 a month “shut-up” fee and that of course the “successful investor” is still his friend. So the guy that gave him the money to invest is still corgidal with the guy he knowingly was scammed by. Others have been lied to and intentionally hurt. And they KNOW the person/people who did this and what do they do?? KISS THEIR ASS.

Continue to be nice, find and friendly. See the last health company I was a marketing representative for is full of people at the top who intentially lie, cheat and steal. Including the owner. This guy has a history and track record that spans years of people and multitudes of people he has purposely screwed over. Screwy things like: Lie, steal, cheat, take their business away, fire them from their job for no reason, etc. I can go on for days.  The minute I discovered these things my kindness subsided and well to say the least I wasn’t and have not been quiet about it. I am just not the “sweep it under the rug person” others the “ass kisser” not only sweep it under the rug, but act as if nothing has happened.  I do not understand how there can still be  people involved and supportive even after knowing these type of things have been done and are being done.

See my friends that to me is an “Ass Kisser”. Do you agree with me?

So again, this little fun phrase we throw around casually, I would hope that this post shared a little insight and further look at what an ass kisser really is. We are not in the 5th grade people! Life is about being kind to people and getting ahead. If you’re the type of loser who calls people who have manners and etiquette and are smart “ass kissers” it just shows you immaturity and well how far down the people chain you are. The world my friends is ruled by people who know how to and whose ass to kiss the best. It’s the truth whether you like it or not. All I ask is you kiss peoples ass who haven’t lied, stolen or cheated you. Stand up for something and start kissing the right peoples asses. 🙂

Entrepreneur's Corner, Health & Fitness, My Thoughts

5 Tips For Better Sleep

Do you and your partner share a bedroom or do you have a playroom? So as I have previously shared I am one of millions of women reading Fifty Shades Of Grey. I found it quite interesting how they describe Christians’ “bedroom” as the “playroom” I paused for a minute and thought to myself is my bedroom a “playroom” enough? Through my conversations with clients and casual conversations with friends I realized most peoples’ bedrooms are not only NOT bedroom ready, but definitely not playroom ready either. I believe a bedroom whether you share it with someone or just yourself should be somewhere were two things are achieved: Rest and Recreation.

Here are 5 quick Tips to remake your bedroom for better relaxation or play, if that is what you want.


5 Tips For Better Sleep
1. Keep Your Bedroom Clean & Clutter Less

I know it sounds repetitive, but really people: Clean Your Room! Just like your momma taught you! A cluttered room will definitely not set the mood, but it is also hard to fall asleep and sleep well when you have to find your way to your bed with all your crap all over the place. You will find yourself restless and thinking of the things you have to do & clean. It is a physical sign that leaves you feeling cluttered and dirty.

2. For Good Fung Shui Have Bed With Feet Pointing Towards Door

Not a Fung Shui expert, but there you have it. This weekend do some rearranging and google all about it!

3. Avoid Displaying Photos

Don’t know about you, but if you have a picture of your mom staring at you from your night stand…. I am not too sure how “in the mood” you can get. I say leave the photo collage and family trees pics for other areas of the house. Your bedroom is like a sanctuary and you want to keep a minimal display of visualization that brings about emotions of :
A.) Accomplishment or goals( this will cause restlessness because you will want to start working on it ASAP if your anything like me)
B.) Love for family (It will scare away the tigress and bring out a wimpy kitty)

4. Nightstand Essentials

Water, baby wipes and paper towels.. yeah I said it! Trust me you will be thanking me one night as you reach over your convenient nightstand drawer 😉

5. Sturdy Bed & Mattress

Ok people get your head out of the gutter!! Nah, your right that was exactly what I was thinking. Nothing can annoy me and kill the mood more than an uncomfortable mattress and squeaky bed!

Add a Comment Below and Share With Me If You Have Other Suggestions

Add A Comment Here!

Entrepreneur's Corner, Real Estate

Manhattan Micro Apartments

Is it possible to live in a 300 square foot area?

Of course it is! If you haven’t already heard New York City Mayor Bloomberg is introducing a new concept of “micro living” with plans to develop a recently purchased building on Manhattans lower east side into units that are 300 square feet calling these micro apartments. 

Upon hearing this it can be quite alarming that such a space could exist, but as a New Yorker not only is it possible, it’s already happening!

A few years ago when I made the move to the big apple I considered living in a studio apartment and quickly changed mind to moving into a 1 bedroom.

I came across many studio apartments as small as 150-176 square feet! Hence why I decided to move into a 1 bedroom.

Seems like NYC is getting rid of not only the “Big Gulp”, but big apartments.

So what does this mean for you?

I see this quickly becoming a living trend for urban areas such as NYC.

We all remember that only a few years ago airline travel was more comfortable and airplanes gave passengers more space, but today several airline companies have scaled down legroom per passenger and there is now less seating space.

Airlines were forced to downsize there passengers seating area in exchange for squeezing more passengers on each flight. Its a crummy situation when your sitting in the middle of two “more to love” folks I’ll tell ya that!

Is not the same thing happening to our homes in urban areas?

If you believe history is cyclical, then I feel as if times are moving into living spaces that are smaller. Very much like you will find in 1920s homes where you can find very small individualized rooms. We may not have individualized rooms, but a trend back to small is definitely in the works.

Need more space? Look to suburbs near big cities where you can get more bang for your buck! Not only on rentals, but if you are formally deciding to live there then you should consider what you can get for your money. As a real estate agent for the NY/NJ area I can tell you there is a market for all taste buds! Manhattan is defiantly smaller and more expensive, but the lifestyle you get to have is so, so worth it! If you’re looking to slow your lifestyle pace and care to eventually own your own home (without having to make millions or have the luxury of being a trust fund baby) then I would suggest to look into suburban areas like New Jersey, Westchester, etc!

No matter where you live, if you’re looking for a change in rental location or potentially looking to buy it is important you seek professional help from a real estate agent you can trust and who knows the area you are considering very well.

Good luck! And Happy Living!  What do you think of this “Micro living”?? SHARE BELOW



Entrepreneur's Corner, Real Estate

Staging Your Home To Sell Fast

Staging your home to sell fast does not mean you roll our the red carpet or need a Broadway stage. Today I will share with you home staging in the real estate market and how it can help sell your home faster. What is it and why do you need to consider it if you are a real estate professional helping a client sell their home or a homeowner looking to get the most for your home I will answer that next.

  • • Staging – preparing a residence for sale in real estate. Allocating proper materials and furniture in proper areas to display functional use of space.

Deciding to have your home stages may be one of the most important consideration as you begin the process of selling your home. It is always tempting to just sell and list it “as is”. However I will share with you some personal experience as well as statistics that show staged homes fare better in the marketplace.


What Is Home Staging?

Staging is simply taking an empty or cluttered home and strategically placing the right amount of furniture in each room that displays the use of each room. For example, if you have an open concept home where one large area is supposed to be the living and dining room, you may want to stage it! Bring in a dining room table and chairs and a living room set and place it accordingly in that open undefined space. Staging allows your prospective buyers to visualize themselves living there.

You do not know how many times I have taken clients to non stage homes and their remarks are always well “what would I use this room for” or many times the house is so messy it looks cramped and dated and well down right dirty! No one wants to feel that way when they are on the verge of making what could be their single most expensive purchase.

There are many professional home staging companies that provide full service for you! They bring in furniture, accessories pretty much all the bells and whistles! Call around and ask and more importantly read referrals and check out their portfolio to see if there work is something you like.

What if you really do not have the money to stage your home?

Do it yourself!

If you or your clients are currently still living in the home you are selling or really do not have the upfront budget to stage a home, be like Nike and “Just Do It!

House With Furniture: LESS = MORE.

I understand that many times we may be living in the actual home that we are trying to sell and it can be difficult to accommodated the moving boxes and your everyday life around strangers visiting your home. But I will share with you how a little organization and de cluttering can really do wonders for the way your home shows and presents it self to potential buyers.

Check out the picture below:


Brighting up the room and clearing away the mess is where to start and it as complicated as it needs to get. I love how people like to complicate what staging is, but it is simple: Make the Rooms In Your House Look Like And Be Used For The Intended Purpose.

Yeah so storing your clothes in the kitchen cabinets may not be the best idea! Get rid of them!

Try to store or (throw) away clutter! Try keeping the number of things in each room to a minimal. This helps create the idea of space and everyone can appreciate a clean and neat room. So maybe a garage sell this weekend??

Here are some simple things you can immediately do that are low cost and can help create a better selling environment for your home.

1. You may have a table in your dining room, but how about setting it with nice plates and silverware?             Something as simple as that can really boost the visualization of your potential buyers.

2. Add scented candles and new fluffy towels to your bathroom.   

3. Store away all but a few of your children’s toys.

4. Cleans all your windows of your home. Outside and In.

5. If It is a warm season, plant some color flowers out in your front entry. It makes your home inviting and catches the eye of a potential buyer.









Try those few simple steps and you will see an improvement!  You can see up to an 800% return on investment in doing the things I just shared. Stay tuned for my next article where I share with you how I staged a medium sized single family home, for under $500! Thats right, under $500 and I did it myself.

Entrepreneur's Corner

My Thoughts On 2011 Year of the Rabbit

For my westernized, skeptical, too serious about life friends… live a little!! This post is strictly for entertainment and perspective purposes.

But anyway I will continue….

I was first introduced to Chinese Astrology after A. Attending UCLA where I got my first case of culture shock. Prior to this I was surrounded only by Mexicans, Beach bums, Black Folks, and Samoans. At UCLA I met the Easterners…. Then B. A close friend and mentor introduced me to this about 7 years ago and have found it interesting ever since.

Why interesting??

I had someone once tell me “Adriana, did you know astrology is the only thing that all civilizations, that NEVER Co-existed have in common?”
That was avery powerful and impactful question and statement that until this day is the reason why I continue to be intrigued by this subject. I mean you figure nowadays as human beings we are smarter, supposedly, but we argue and cannot agree on a God or rules,laws,who has a bigger booty Kim Kardashian or Beyonce, country border lines… so I figure if many civilizations that have long lived and passed did agree to an extent on astrology then clearly there must be some truth to it.
And hence there begins my interest and curiosity on this very and always entertaining topic.

Anyway here are 12 signs in the Chinese Zodiac and for you Gen X babies the years most of you may have been born in…
Rat – 1984
Ox – 1985
Tiger – 1986
Rabbit – 1987
Dragon – 1988
Snake – 1976
Horse – 1978
Goat – 1979
Monkey – 1980
Rooster – 1981
Dog – 1982
Pig – 1983

NOTE: Check your lunar new year as to what “year” you were born” to double check what animal you are.
Here is a helpful link

According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals quarreled one day as to who was to head the cycle of years. The gods were asked to decide and they held a contest: whoever was to reach the opposite bank of the river would be first, and the rest of the animals would receive their years according to their finish.

All the twelve animals gathered at the river bank and jumped in.

Ok well this isn’t intended to teach you about it, go do your own research, but bottom line is this were into a NEW YEAR and NEW ENERGIES!!!

We just finished the TIGER year and from the looks of it and the talks I have had with friends and family man oh man was it a year full of “ruckus” to say the least! Phew! Glad it is over.

For myself personally, I underwent some major life changes, experiences and emotional ups and downs… at times I may have felt like a rag doll being tossed around everywhere.
But looking back and something I recommend you always do is appreciate all that you went threw and learn from it because this little Dog here overcame all that and future looks brighter than everrrr! 🙂

The Rabbit year is expected to be a tranquil year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should all go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.

By nature Rabbits like to ummmm do the horizontal poka, the boom boom pow, the nitty griddy, make babies, so as of supporter of birth control, safe sex and IQ test for future parents this worries me. SO if you are single out there doing your thing you may find yourself extra horny, but please please just be smart about your actions.

Other than that this will be a time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair your sense of duty. This does not mean we have permission to be lazy asses! Beware of wanting to stay in your little bunny whole. To combat this align yourself with people that are more disciplined and hard working than you. You know your bills still need to be paid.

Rabbits run wild and loose in the free fields so we will have a tendency to be lighter on rules and regulations and find that they will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. We can be busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. We will all have a tendency to put off tasks as long as possible, so again set up a plan be clear on your goals and what you want to accomplish. Procrastinator as is?? Set reminders. Tell others about what you want to accomplish to combat this “ahhh I will do it tomorrow mode” we may get into.

This year our life style will be tranquil and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for.
What have you been craving to want to do or experience?
For me personally, I made a decision to get back into traveling. I have always loved to travel. Luckily I had amazing parents and at a very young age had already traveled thru much of Europe and South America. Then I went dormant for too many years. So this year I am committed to work as hard and also escape for some travel adventures.

Seems like if anything this year for once, may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
Cheers to that!

Entrepreneur's Corner, People Skills, Personal Growth

How To Ask Questions

How to ask questions in dating, interviews, friendships, family, every type of interaction is vital!!

Questions… We all ask them, we all have them but what is our intention.

Lately I have been meeting a lot of new people, ya know me, its how I roll! Hahaha. Anyway during this process of meeting people the normal thing is to obviously want to get to know them so the natural process is to ask questions. So I have been paying attention to my conversations with people. To what they ask, when they ask it and more importantly why did they ask in the first place.

Ever met someone new at work, school, church on a date and they made you feel like you were getting interrogated? Like “did I just commit a crime”
Or then there are the questioners who ask and don’t let you respond, they stop you right in the middle of the response?
That’s so annoying!

Or the ones who don’t even ask and you have to ask them questions, but all they do is give you a one word answer like so:

Me: “So you grew up here in southern California huh, how was that?”  
Them: “Cool”

Me: “How is your family? Do you come from a big one or small one?”
Them: “Small”

Me: “Oh you like watching baseball?”
Them: “Yeah”


And that’s where it ends. Terrible waste of 5 minutes or worst if is you were ever invited out on a date by a mute, you’re thinking what a waste of my time or I’m ordering the damn lobster!

So back to questions I have been able to narrow it down to 3 reason why we all ask them. It’s important to know why you ask to not only be a better listener, but in general be someone others like to be around.

We ask questions for….

1. Ask Just To Ask
If you’re the kind of person who ask a question and before the person can start moving their lips, you’ve already moved on to the next question or have been distracted by the yummy flavor of your garlic roll, then your GUILTY!

2. Ask Because WE Want To Share Our Response
If you’ve ever asked a question because deep down inside you really wish THEY would have asked you that question and you rush them to explain, your mouth is shivering waiting to spit out your answer to the question the question you asked, your GUILTY!

3. Ask Because We Genuinely Want To Know
This is the area the true masters of communication fall into!

I can’t say that I am someone that I fall into the 3rd segment I am definitely the one who is guilty of the 1st two, but as I meet more people and have the chance to talk to more people I realize more and more that I really want to work on being someone who ask questions because I genuinely care to know what that person has to say. It’s a big difference when you’re talking to people and you know they ask because they genuinely care to know what you have to say. I can feel it and I sense it. Energy between people is undeniable. We all have bullshit detectors. And the same is true for conversations with people. So knowing that I know when someone is bullshitting me and asking just to ask I decided to make an earnest effort to not be one of those people.
I hope that this article helps you also and maybe make an effort to be a person who ask questions because you’re genuinely care to know.

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