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My Thoughts, People Skills

Holiday Party Don’ts

Holiday season is here! If you haven’t already been to a party, I am sure you will be attending one in these next few days.How to make sure you know what the top holiday party don’ts are better keep reading!

I myself have made my rounds and many of my friends have also.
There is a “rule” or unspoken “guidelines” to follow at these things, but do people ever follow them??
Its inivetable when you bring Coworkers+Open Bar+ Food+Gossip= Memories to be made and actions to be regretted 🙂

Here is my TOP 10 Holiday Party Don’ts

1. Dress for Success Not SEX

Dress classy. Leave the nightclub gear, fishnets, shiny dress shirts in your closet!

2. Get Sloppy Drunk

Ok, I will admit it. One of the first holiday parties I went to I was guilty of this. I drank a little too much as I was walking up to go use the restroom I wasn’t the smoothest walker and I slipped, but no worries I quickly got up, adjusted myself, and finished my “dismount” like an Olympic champion. 🙂
If you start to slur your words, just stop.

3. Play Footsies With Your Coworker

Remember this is the person you will be seeing the morning after and for the next 365 mornings +. And if you played footsie with the wrong one, you deal with the office crush for days to come.

4. Spill Your Drama, Gossip, Annoyance, etc

Ok so maybe you aren’t very fawn of working there or you feel you should be getting paid more or the office is a total wreck. Don’t bring it up now!!?? Enjoy the party and the holiday season and bring it up in a formal matter at the start of the new year. Holiday party don’ts are a major no-no so again don’t use this time to do any of those holiday party don’ts.

5. Dance…
Chances are you will look like a jackass and women, we usually get a little to sexual so your better off not gettin jiggy wit it.

6. Wear Holiday Themed Outfits

Umm thats the other party the “Ugly Holiday Sweater Party” not tonight.

7. Don’t Bring a “Date”

If your broke I know times can be rough, but common this is NOT an event held for YOUR benefit and you being a cheap ass and bringing a date. Bring them somewhere else, not here.

8.Treat The Party Like A Singles Bar

The cute girl or guy you are interested in is probably someones babymomma or daddy. Check for rings before you start chatting it up and expecting you scored.

9. Eat To Much

This one is hard for me since I am such a foodie, but remember people observe you when you eat and you don’t want to look like a hoarder grabbing way to much of your share of the food.

10. Oh yeah remember its a WORK HOLIDAY PARTY….

Everything said or done WILL be used against you at the office….. in due time.. 🙂

Enjoy and Happy Holidays to ALL!

Connect with Me and Tell Me About YOUR Holiday Party Worst on FACEBOOK

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, What's Cookin

Cheap Low Calorie Snacks

Whether you are currently dieting, thinking about it or eating everything in sight, this cheap low calorie snack is for you! It is fast, quick, and easy to make and oh yeah D-Lish-ous! It is one of my favorite cheap and low calorie snacks out there.

If you are watching your weight looking to “get it tight, get it right” for the summer this snack is perfect for you! The key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is to eat about 5 “mini meals” of 200-400 calories each a day and not the old fashion what your momma taught you of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your metabolism is like a computer; if you do not feed it for several hours it goes on “screen saver” so it is resting and NOT burning calories. Many of you might say “oh but I have no time to make food” or ” I have no money” then lucky you because I will share with you my top full proof $2 meals.

For the “Apple Pie A la Mode” you will need the following:

1 Apple of Your Choice ( I prefer to buy organic because apples have the highest amount of pesticide residue on their skin) — .50-.75cents

2 Tablespoon Scoops of Greek Yogurt – I buy the 17-20oz for about $6 about .30 cents an ounce…. 3oz used — .90cents

2 Tablespoon Scoops of Raw Oats – Oatmeal is the best and cheapest thing to buy — a few cents used here…

Dust With Cinnamon – Cinnamon has NO calories and high in antioxidants. Use as much as you want! – The $1 you bought last year is still in your kitchen.

Totally qualifies as one of my most made cheap low calorie snacks!
Chop the apples in bite size pieces and place in a bowl. Then take a table spoon and scoop two nicely rounded and full scoops on top of the apples. Scoop two table spoons of raw oats and then dust with as much cinnamon as you would like.

Thats it. Under 200 calories. No more than $2 for this serving and did I mention Delicious???

Did you try it? Did you like it? Share and connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, My Thoughts, What's Cookin

Detox Diets That Work

Decided you may need to detox? Been eating too much crap? Way to many things that come in fancy wrappers, color bubbly stuff and things you cannot pronounce? Alright you sick, mean, unappreciative B*&^$#@(d I will help ya out. A detox can be very beneficial. IN this post I talk about a few Detox Diets That Work!

Although there are many types of detox diets, most eliminate foods that contain potentially harmful substances and allow foods that support the body’s natural ability to rid itself of toxins, such as dark, leafy green vegetables. Overall food intake is usually reduced, ranging from small meals to full-fledge juice fast.

Here are a few of the most popular detox diets that work.
• The Master Cleanse – Also called the lemonade diet, a fast that involves drinking only lemonade, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

To me this is the most challenging one and also not very convenient if you have to continue with day to day activity. Lugging around your “juice” that looks like pee may not be too fun.

• Juice fasting – A type of fast that calls for consuming only fresh vegetable and fruit juices, such as beet juice and wheatgrass juice, and water.

• Smoothie and Shake fasting – Involves drinking pureed or blended vegetable and fruit smoothies, especially green smoothies.
• Commercial cleanse programs – Specially designed protein powders, vitamins, nutrients for detoxification. You buy these at local health markets of vitamin shops.

• Raw Food Detox Diet – Based on the raw food diet. Involves only eating food that is raw or hasn’t been heated above 118 degrees.

My “Detox” Plan

I am doing a HYBRID of the Master Cleanse+ Raw Vegetables+ Puree soups. To me this is my favorite detox diet that works. I find that the morning routinue suggested in master cleanse helps get my digestion a kickstart and the drinking of lemon water but I add raw veggies and pure nothing added organic vegtable puree soups to keep my intake low. These are great




I avoid meats, anything processed and no sugars… that includes fruits….they have tons of hidden sugars. I also recommend you take probiotics during any of these cleanses is also highly recommended. My personal favorite is one made by YOR HEALTH it is highly potent and excellent for the digestive system.







And lastly I want to leave you with this.
One week of cleansing your body from hot cheetos, coke, big macs,cookies, fried chicken, etc will not change things for you. To see ultimate benefits you must adopt this healthier way of eating as a lifestyle. Today there are many options for organic and healthy food. Many times the cost difference isn’t much. Without complicating it to much I do and follow a Mediterranean Diet “Lots of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains”.



Have some successful detox stories or tips you would like to share?  Connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Love & Marriage

Just Be Friends

Don’t date, just be friends. Wow a simple sentence with such big impact. A few days ago I posed a question to many of you and shared my own personal experience about dating someone who was my friend originally and how great of a surprise it was. I asked for you guys to share your experiences or tips and if any of you had dated any of your friends. Well one of my readers and friends commented and suggested “Don’t date, just be friends. People who date break up. People who are friends stay together.”

Now you all know I have been dating for quite some time and sharing my experiences with you and that little sentence well I couldn’t have put it any better!

You see what I have learned in dating is the same things I have learned while building my businesses. If you pursue your business as simply one person or company trying to sell another person or company… then all you get is mediocre results. After the tomato selling business (hahaha that was only something I did for extra cash for candy) I really got into business at age 17 and as much as I would have hoped to know and think I was sooooo cool, I really had no clue. I was those people “selling” and not really establishing a relationship with the people I wanted to buy my stuff. So wha-la! No one bought. I had no business. I was broke. And couldn’t figure out why I worked so hard, but could not increase my sales.

Many of you may have experienced similar outcomes as you are building your business or in your dating life. Your weekends are packed. My dating calendar used to look something like this:
Friday drinks after work with Guy A
Followed by late Dinner with Guy B
then Saturday Lunch or workout date with Guy C
Meet for dinner & drinks with Guy D

Yours too??!!!

Well first of all if your single and your weekends don’t look like this and you want to date, then honey we have to work on fundamentals first!

Ummm check your smile, breath, hair, and clothes.

But back to my point and my friends suggestion of “Don’t date, be friends”, If you are simply looking to fill your time and have someone to spend it with… like you enjoy the company of others, or just as they say in Jersey Shore “DTF” (Down To F*&%) then the activity of “Dating” can getcha just that.
What turns it around for most in the “dating” world if you want companionship more than just “company” ( and people there is a huge difference) is when you date to become “friends”. Like you sincerely want to get to know this person and you continue to date because there is commonality, just like you would continue to talk to the people who are your friends.

The crucial element that seals the deal or makes it magical is:
How much sexual energy is shared between you and this “friend”?

The addition of the element is what makes the connection so great! And it is NOT something you can create, it’s just kinda there or not.

So dating just to fill your time or need the company? Then go for it! Meet tons of people. Enjoy it.

If your looking for a little more consider dating as “making friends”. Look to date people you share things in common with and are attracted to. Just like building a business. You want to simply make one-time sales then keep “selling”, but if you want long term, repeat business and… REFERRALS then establishing a relationship of trust & commonality with the people and business you approach with your products or services.

To great friendships, relationships and business success!

Love & Marriage, People Skills, Relationships

Dating Your Friend

In dating, sometimes what you are looking for can be right under your nose. In this post I expose the often ignored dating market that if considered can turn up surprising results. Dating your friend is one of the best things that can happen to you.

As many of you know I have been intrigued by business and capitalism since a young age. I began my first business venture at about the age of 7 when my older brother and I used to go around our neighborhood selling strawberries and tomatoes to all our neighbors, hey what can I say I was I’ve had the entrepreneur blood in me since birth! So “business philosophies” have always been present in my head.

Funny to even admit that it relates to my dating life and yes people, I do relate all my business strategies to dating.

So recently I “met” someone, I use quotations because I really didn’t “meet” them, I have known them for many years, but nonetheless the meeting this time was significantly different.

If you have ever been in any type of “sales” business or career, you know this quote all too well “Ratios, Ratios, Ratios” meaning, in order to be successful you have to keep on doing the same activity over and over again until you “strike” and succeed at whatever it is you are doing.

And in sales and business development, the same is true that you are more likely to find success from a “repeat” client or pitching someone you have at one point already “pitched” than a business or person that is encountering you for the first time.

Well recently that has proven to be the case in my dating life. The last few years I have spent living in both the East and West coast and meeting tons of men. I’ve enjoyed the casual meet ups, the dinners, the parties, the spontaneous dates, the conversations, etc… everything that is involved in dating! Everyone that I have dated however has been “new clients” meaning new people that I did not know from before.

Most recently that changed and I was open to date an old friend of mine. It was not planned; it just kind of happened and what I learned from the experience drew me to share an often ignored venue that most of you singles who are out dating completely neglect…. The venue is………….. YOUR FRIENDS or FRIENDS of FRIENDS!!!

I know… I know what you might be thinking “The people who have seen me all crusty eyed from last years ski trip? The People who know all my dirty lil secrets? The ones who you may have had a burping contest with or scream at the top of your lunges with? Them? Date my friends??

Some of you may argue the fact that you “don’t want to mess up the friendship” and I agree with that too. There should be careful strategic actions that must be in place, but from my observations I can state that the positives most definitely out weigh the negatives and here are reasons why.

1. They Already Know You.

Your argument maybe that they know you too much, but bottom line is they know you so if there is interest you have to know it is genuine because they know your good, bad and quirky side! Surprises about each others personality is limited… well of course, there ARE something’s only you would disclose with someone you are intimate with… so let that be the surprises!

2. You Share A Lot In Common

Last year, you went skiing together, same concert, and possibly practiced the same sport. You get along for a reason. Commonality is a very important trait in a successful relationship. Maybe you and this person went thru similar life experiences. Faced similar ups and downs in life. Having shared experiences means endless conversational pieces. And think about it, if you are there friend there is obviously similar interest in mind.

3. Skip The Awkwardness Phase

Thank God! Avoid the “What is your favorite color? Or Food questions” Get right to the good stuff! You may experience a different type awkward feeling. Like the kind you get when you first hold this “friends” hand or share a first kiss. You’d ask yourself “How the hell did this happen??” But this feeling can be exciting, if our mentality is towards it is positive rather than negative.

4. There Is Trust

I can’t really explain this, but the fact this individual might have crashed over one night at your house or a summer at your parents place and they didn’t steal anything or make a cheap move on you… I think that’s fair to say there is trust! Or that they do know some of your “shameful” stories and they didn’t blast your gossip. You share a certain level of comfort with this person, feeling safe around them.

5. His/Her Friends Already Like You.

Vacations, weekends, parties, hangouts are just that much more comfortable…. Well at least a bit until your friends realize the two of you actually hooked up! Hahaha, but this helps stir up some interesting conversations. Sometimes meeting the person you are dating friends can be nerve racking so save yourself the trouble!

I also want to add and put out a disclaimer that as “lovey dovey” as this may seem or “innocent” like “ahhh date your friend” don’t get me wrong if there isn’t any sexual chemistry of lust it is not going to be fun or successful, sexual chemistry is a must!

The point of this post is sometimes what you’re looking for can be just under your nose. Just as you would do when working on growing any business or professional venture you have, sometimes the people, businesses and connections you have done prior business with or have establish a relationship with are the ones whom will come thru when it most matters.

Cheers! To extraordinary friendships and endless relationships.
Meet More People, Get Noticed On

Entrepreneur's Corner

My Thoughts On 2011 Year of the Rabbit

For my westernized, skeptical, too serious about life friends… live a little!! This post is strictly for entertainment and perspective purposes.

But anyway I will continue….

I was first introduced to Chinese Astrology after A. Attending UCLA where I got my first case of culture shock. Prior to this I was surrounded only by Mexicans, Beach bums, Black Folks, and Samoans. At UCLA I met the Easterners…. Then B. A close friend and mentor introduced me to this about 7 years ago and have found it interesting ever since.

Why interesting??

I had someone once tell me “Adriana, did you know astrology is the only thing that all civilizations, that NEVER Co-existed have in common?”
That was avery powerful and impactful question and statement that until this day is the reason why I continue to be intrigued by this subject. I mean you figure nowadays as human beings we are smarter, supposedly, but we argue and cannot agree on a God or rules,laws,who has a bigger booty Kim Kardashian or Beyonce, country border lines… so I figure if many civilizations that have long lived and passed did agree to an extent on astrology then clearly there must be some truth to it.
And hence there begins my interest and curiosity on this very and always entertaining topic.

Anyway here are 12 signs in the Chinese Zodiac and for you Gen X babies the years most of you may have been born in…
Rat – 1984
Ox – 1985
Tiger – 1986
Rabbit – 1987
Dragon – 1988
Snake – 1976
Horse – 1978
Goat – 1979
Monkey – 1980
Rooster – 1981
Dog – 1982
Pig – 1983

NOTE: Check your lunar new year as to what “year” you were born” to double check what animal you are.
Here is a helpful link

According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals quarreled one day as to who was to head the cycle of years. The gods were asked to decide and they held a contest: whoever was to reach the opposite bank of the river would be first, and the rest of the animals would receive their years according to their finish.

All the twelve animals gathered at the river bank and jumped in.

Ok well this isn’t intended to teach you about it, go do your own research, but bottom line is this were into a NEW YEAR and NEW ENERGIES!!!

We just finished the TIGER year and from the looks of it and the talks I have had with friends and family man oh man was it a year full of “ruckus” to say the least! Phew! Glad it is over.

For myself personally, I underwent some major life changes, experiences and emotional ups and downs… at times I may have felt like a rag doll being tossed around everywhere.
But looking back and something I recommend you always do is appreciate all that you went threw and learn from it because this little Dog here overcame all that and future looks brighter than everrrr! 🙂

The Rabbit year is expected to be a tranquil year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should all go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.

By nature Rabbits like to ummmm do the horizontal poka, the boom boom pow, the nitty griddy, make babies, so as of supporter of birth control, safe sex and IQ test for future parents this worries me. SO if you are single out there doing your thing you may find yourself extra horny, but please please just be smart about your actions.

Other than that this will be a time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair your sense of duty. This does not mean we have permission to be lazy asses! Beware of wanting to stay in your little bunny whole. To combat this align yourself with people that are more disciplined and hard working than you. You know your bills still need to be paid.

Rabbits run wild and loose in the free fields so we will have a tendency to be lighter on rules and regulations and find that they will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. We can be busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. We will all have a tendency to put off tasks as long as possible, so again set up a plan be clear on your goals and what you want to accomplish. Procrastinator as is?? Set reminders. Tell others about what you want to accomplish to combat this “ahhh I will do it tomorrow mode” we may get into.

This year our life style will be tranquil and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for.
What have you been craving to want to do or experience?
For me personally, I made a decision to get back into traveling. I have always loved to travel. Luckily I had amazing parents and at a very young age had already traveled thru much of Europe and South America. Then I went dormant for too many years. So this year I am committed to work as hard and also escape for some travel adventures.

Seems like if anything this year for once, may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
Cheers to that!

My Thoughts, People Skills

What I Learned As an Undercover Guest At A Singles Event

…..That 99.9% of the men in attendance are dooshbags and every woman there is so un confident and desperate.
That is all for this post.

Ok you all know me too well that I usually have more to say. So I headed to a local lounge where I was throwing a Jersey Shore preimer viewing party (DISCLAIMER: I watch the Jersey Shore because I get a kick out of how funny real life can be and I am amazed and like to learn to see how this show attracts so many viewers making it a highly grossing TV show)
So upon my arrival of the venue to my surprise there was a singles night event going on. I thought “how interesting”. I took myself to the side found a seat and completely batted one after the other lame pick up line from guys who were there attending the event. Clearly I did not have a name tag and well my outfit choice for the night of black long sleeve tee and jeans clearly wasn’t in “prowling mode” wearing sexy clothing.
Anyway so I just sat at the bar and listened. I listened some more. And I listened again.
I listened to all the guys in their give their “play by play” on what they would have done if their girl gave them their number.
If the girl went home with them that night.
If the girl had been interested.
It was disgusting and it was quite sad how these men thought they had so much game, but they were… alone.

lesson learned is:

1. Be more picky as to how and where you go to meet singles. When you throw 100 people in a room it starts feeling like black Friday. Like everything is limited and on sale and you have to rush to just grab and pick up something.

I am not discouraging attending singles events or meeting other singles, but I would suggest find another mode where you can StrikeUp a conversation with someone more in a one-on-one setting.

#2. Ladies you can do better. Have a better strategy than just submit yourself to an event where the guy to girl ratio is 10:2

#3. When you settle for anything, you get nothing.

People Skills

Recession Proof Dates


  1. 1. Picnic at a Park or beach
  2. 2. Go Workout Together at a Gym or Park
  3. 3. Play Pool, Go Bowling, Surfing, Batting Cages Any Sport You Are Good At And Can Teach Her.
  4. 4. Take A Cooking Class Together
  5. 5. Grab a Drink At A Bar Preferably A Place That Is Outdoors
  6. 6. Go To A Concert. Listen To Live Music
  7. 7. Watch A Sunset
  8. 8. Take Dance Lessons On Any Dance You Both DON’T Know How To Dance.
  9. 9. Eat Fondue, Sushi or Mussels…anything The Requires You To Suck and Use Your Hands
  10. 10. Cook A Dinner Together And Have Fun With Desert!
Health & Fitness

How to Prepare for a Half Marathon

2 Years ago I used to laugh at runners and say “why would you ever run for fun??” Today its one of my hobbies and secrets of success.

StrikeUp means to initiate. To start up something new. Maybe a new relationship, friendship or a hobby. Either way StrikeUp something!
Watch my video here to learn How to Prepare for a Half Marathon