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reinvent your life

Entrepreneur's Corner, My Thoughts, Personal Growth

How To Reinvent Yourself

Do you remember the time when you would say “when I grow up I want to be…?”
Well when I was young my three choices were an ice cream woman, an astronaut and an accountant. My oh my has that changed! Reinventing yourself has no age! Read my How to change careers in your 30s post here.

I eat a lot of ice cream, but I do not sell it for a living.
I keep a pretty detailed account of all my earnings and spendings, but I am not an accountant.
My life is out of this world, but I never became an astronaut.

So I became nothing of which I “wanted” to become…when I was 5. Would you call me a failure? I would say most of you would say no..and thanks for that. I appreciate the positive outlook.

But what is the difference even when someone is 30 and is something different than what they so badly wanted to be at age 22?
Is there a difference there?
Would you say that person failed?
Or succeeded?
Of course, we have to consider what they are doing and if it is a downgrade from what they had X years before.

So here is the question: If becoming someone or doing something completely different at age 35 than what you wanted to be at age 5 is ok, why be fearful of doing something different at age 40 than what you were doing at age 28?

Few people are as blessed to end up doing what they have been wanting to since they were a kid or even what the ended up going to school for and be HAPPY doing it. You know how many unhappy financial stockbrokers I know? Or unemployed engineers ? Or network marketers who have been at it for over 10years and still “faking it till they make it”… Too many!

We all have our share of trial and error. I like to call it simply TRIAL.
To Try. To Do. To Take action.

Every segment of your life teaches you something about you and also teaches you skills you can have and hold on to for your next segment. I find that the biggest disappointment in people is when I see those who are either trigger shy or too stubborn to change.

The trigger shy folks are those who don’t ever quite seem to jump into adulthood. Like they are still living at home or working at places where they are overly qualified. For these folks I would wish for you to be more daring and take initiative on your life.
It is never to late to go to school. Get an education or learn a new trade. It is also never to late to switch jobs or professions. Like the good old saying goes “you never know until you try”.

Continuing on, then there are those who are too stubborn to change. Like they clearly are not happy with their current state. Maybe it’s the job they are at or they feel they can be making more money, or they have been doing what they do for way too many years expecting a different result and every year its the same.

I brought up this topic because I too have been either too qualified and stuck at a dead end job or at one point in my life was very stubborn to change. The transformational changes I have made for myself in the last 3 years have led me to a place where I am very happy and feel others could gain a lot from just the thought of reinventing themselves.

In my later post I will share with you my own story and that of a client of mine. For now stay tuned and please share with me if you have or currently feel like a change in your life is overdue.