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Health & Fitness, What's Cookin

What Is The Best Detox

What is the best detox? Is there such thing as the “best” detox? You may have recently decided you may needed to detox possibly after reading my Should I Detox article Or maybe you have been eating too much crap? Way to many things that come in fancy wrappers, color bubbly stuff and things you cannot pronounce? Alright you sick, mean, unappreciative B*&^$#@(d I will help ya out. A detox can be very beneficial. In this post I talk about a few detox that work and that I have personally used. What is the best detox

Although there are many types of detox diets, most eliminate foods that contain potentially harmful substances and allow foods that support the body’s natural ability to rid itself of toxins, such as dark, leafy green vegetables. In a detox solid food intake is reduced, ranging from small meals made up of mainly soup puree and vegetables to full-fledge juice fast. I may not know what is the best detox, but your body will!

Here are a few of the most popular detox diets that I have tried and our popular amongst fellow detoxers.
The Master Cleanse – Also called the lemonade diet, a fast that involves drinking only lemonade, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

To me this is the most challenging one and also not very convenient if you have to continue with day to day activity. Lugging around your “juice” that looks like pee may not be too fun.

Juice fasting – A type of fast that calls for consuming only fresh vegetable and fruit juices, such as beet juice and wheatgrass juice, and water.

Smoothie and Shake fasting – Involves drinking pureed or blended vegetable and fruit smoothies, especially green smoothies.
Commercial cleanse programs – Specially designed protein powders, vitamins, nutrients for detoxification. You buy these at local health markets of vitamin shops.

Raw Food Detox Diet – Based on the raw food diet. Involves only eating food that is raw or hasn’t been heated above 118 degrees.

My “Detox” Plan

I am doing a HYBRID of the Master Cleanse+ Raw Vegetables+ Puree soups. To me this is my favorite detox diet that works. I find that the morning routine suggested in master cleanse helps get my digestion a kickstart and the drinking of lemon water but I add raw veggies and pure nothing added organic vegetable What is the best detox
What is the best detox

I avoid meats, anything processed and no sugars… that includes fruits….they have tons of hidden sugars. Anything processed is basically anything that comes in a box, is microwaveable, comes in a colorful wrapper and does not rot or turn bad in less than 7 days. In addition, I also recommend you take probiotics during any of these detox cleanses. There are many probiotics to chose from. Head to your local shop and ask the sales rep there for one they recommend.

One week of cleansing your body from Cheetos, soda, bacon, burger,cookies, fried chicken, etc will not change things for you. To see ultimate benefits you must adopt this healthier way of eating as a lifestyle. Today there are many options for organic and healthy food. Many times the cost difference isn’t much.So think twice next time you are out grocery shopping when selecting between two choices of products. Opt for the healthier one even if it is a few cents more. My secret to staying YOUNG and HEALTHY is maintaining a eating plan of natural things. If it was once living on earth and grown here organically then you can be sure it is good for you to eat. Food is fuel to the body. Whatever you fuel it with will showcase in you!. So keeping it simple and whether there is such thing as the best detox diet maintain a diet of “Lots of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains” and you will be well on your way to staying young and healthy!

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, My Thoughts

Should I Detox

Should I detox? Is a question many of us ask. I have asked that same question myself “Should I detox?” and although I do not claim to be a medical or health expert to claim it is good or not good for you. I will simply tell you I do it and I have been detoxing for the past 6 years. I like to do it at least two times a year. If I could I would do it quarterly. Some people are pretty hardcore and detox every other week! That is too much for me and I can’t handle that. But 2-4 times a year is something I can handle and like to do. So I am currently undergoing my annual cleansing. Many of you asked what I was doing. So here is not only what I am doing, because more important than that is the WHY and WHAT works for YOU.

Undergoing a Detox or a cleansing is not something for the weak minded or if you are considering it but if you are someone who is easily exhausted and have low blood pressure or may have a syndrome not recognized yet by a doctor, then I highly urge you to contact your doctor first before beginning any type of detox.

Secondly, you have to know WHY you would want to do a detox to know why detoxing is good for you.
Are you looking for a quick way to loose weight?
Do you feel yucky? Feel bloated and have been constipated?
Are you curious what all the hoopla is?

Well I do not claim to be an expert. I like many of you hit the internet to learn about this and also through my own experimentation and knowledge I have picked up by actual medical professionals that through the years have taught me more about this subject.

Why I am doing a cleanse?
Because I understand the importance of regular bowl movements. (a.k.a pooping, dropping kids off at the pond, taking the browns to the superbowl, etc) and mentally training your body to eat when you need the food, to break my “habits” of needing certain foods, and just because I figure if it doesn’t kill me and many people say it is healthy to do, then do Just Do It.

I often hear people, especially girls, be “proud” to announce “Oh, I do not poop very much, only once a day…” as if it makes them more girly or pretty to say you do not poop. Well I have news for ya sister, it is actually terrible! And a big sign that you are messed up!

As I learned through some naturalistic medical experts a healthy person should be pooping at least 2-3 times a day. Getting rid of stools and urine is your body’s main method of getting rid of toxic substances. Regular bowel movements are needed to prevent toxins that are released from the bloodstream into the intestines from being reabsorbed into the body. Getting fiber from food is important. Just think, if there is a subway at 72nd and another one tries to come in…. there is major backup. One has to go so it makes space for the other. Your digestion is kind of like that.

And I also learned about the different types of dookies….. such as…
1. The Shooting Bullets
2. The Submarine
3. The Little Snakes
4. The Messy All Over
5. The One That Makes You Hurt, Scratch and Tear

None of those are good. “your poop should come out smooth like a soft serve smoothie”. Which is why detoxing is good for you.

Why does are digestion start messing up? All the processed crap we eat! America is infamous for food that is “man-made” and filled with all kinds of hormones & pesticides all which end up finding a home in your little body.

How To Get Rid Of It?
I will share on my next blog. In the meantime ask questions and connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Fun Places & Things To Do, Travel

Where Should I Stay In New York

Where should I stay in New York? If you are visiting NYC I am sure you have asked yourself this many times. WIth a city so small in size you wonder why it is so hard to figure out where you should stay in New York. It is quite intimidating when you do not know the city. It is like finding a needle in a haystack. So I hope this NYC hotel guide can help. I hope this task of finding a hotel room to book can be made easier with my where you should stay in New York Guide. If you need help or would like to know How To get cheap flights I detail it here. If you only have 48 hours in New York click here to check out right my recommended itinerary to see this magnificent city if all you have is 48 hours.

Knowing a little bit about the New York City neighborhoods can help you while you are searching for a place to stay.

Where should I stay in New York

Where should I stay in New York


Staying anywhere south of Lincoln Square and 86th street on the upper east side is a pretty safe bet. Manhattan is so small you can easily reach any area of the city that you want to see. The first time I ever visited NYC I went on a spur of the moment weekend trip while I was in college I stayed near Time Square and walked all the way down to soho! Some neighborhoods I would suggest not staying in are: East Village, Chinatown, ABC city, lower east side, little Italy and 8th avenue between 34th – 42nd street is full of porn shops and liquor stores not very pleasant to walk back to at night.

In NYC you will find an array of hotels to choose from. There are national and worldwide brands, boutique hotels and small economy hotels. You may be scared by the cost of these hotels. If you have been doing some hotel research and trying to book a place you have already learned that this is not a cheap place to rent a hotel room. Even the crummiest places and those far from the city could easily run you $100 a night. For the budget conscious traveler I suggest visiting NYC on a Sunday thru Thursday. There really is no low season here as there are always tourist, but the higher seasons are December, May thru August. Some of my favorite budget hotels are:


Hilton Garden Inn Midtown West

Hilton New York- Fashion District

The Jane Hotel- West Side along Hudson

Four Points SheratonWest Village

The Pod 39 Hotel- Murray Hill

The Cosmopolitan- Tribeca

The Bentley Hotel- Upper East Side


Lately a new thing that has taken a lot of popularity is New Yorkers putting up there apartments for rent via sites like . I personally have rented my apartment via this website when I would be away on my own vacation. Pay attention to the neighborhood they have their apartment for rent and read there reviews.

For those people who want to pretend to be trust fund babies or get a glimpse of the glitzy NY lifestyle here are my top picks for the coolest hotels you want to be seen in and that will not deplete your 401K fund. These hotels come stocked with luxe amenities like feather-filled duvets, 42-inch plasma TVs, L’Occitane products and Skype/Bluetooth-enabled phones


The Gansevoort – Meatpacking District

The Standard – Meatpacking District

The Thompson Lower East Side

NightTime Square

Ace Hotel – Midtown South


If you have no budget and you are living the rich and famous lifestyle there here is a list of New Yorks most luxurious hotels.

The St. Regis- Midtown East

The Plaza – Midtown East

The Mandarin Oriental – Upper West Side

Trump Soho – Soho

Four Seasons New York Midtown East

The Peninsula Midtown East


So whether your way is to go budget or live a little New York has a something for all taste! Enjoy your trip and again if you need a little guide check out my     48 hours in NYC guide RIGHT HERE.

EAT Well and Travel Often!









My Thoughts, Personal Growth

Truth Be Told – Charles Barkley ‘dirty dark secret’

Charles Barkley revelation of the ‘dirty dark secret’ is one of the most honest statements I’ve ever heard. The “dirty dark secret” about his race as he refers to it “Black people”, but I don’t believe it ends there. This dirty secret extends through all ethnicities, especially 1st generation kids. I believe that this type of negativity is not restricted to the black community…I believe all “minority” communities face it. Watch the video below to listen to this eye opening portion of the interview.

Can you relate to what Barkley said?

I can totally relate to what Charles Barkley states. I grew up in a town where the majority of the population was Mexican, being 1st generation Mexican my parents did all they could to raise my brother and I the best they could. I am sure they were not thinking “let’s raise a good “Mexican” kid or let’s make our little Mexican kid more “white”. I am sure they just thought “let’s be great parents”.

My brother and I were enrolled into swim lessons as kids, I was in a dance academy and my brother and I both played sports. We both learned how to play musical instruments and earned above average grades. Was that typical for the other “Mexican” kids in my city? Probably not. Later in high school I continued dance and became a cheerleader, played multiple sports, was in Advance Placement classes, got the chance to travel to Europe with my friends, became class president and got accepted into UCLA & USC…a lot of “non-Mexican” things as the loser kids would refer to it.


College letters

Was I striving to be “non-Mexican” ?? I knew how to speak Spanish in fact in high school I started an after school program to teach other Spanish speakers how to improve their English. One year I raised money to fund a group of orphan children from Tijuana, Mexico to have teh chance to go to Disneyland. I never denied my Mexican race. I would have my “white” girlfriends listen to Spanish music with me and even watch TVNovelas with me….but to some Mexican kids I was “not Mexican enough”. Apparently I didn’t watch enough soccer or have an old English tatoo or wear dark lipstick or all the other things that group of Mexicans decided to do. I heard the remarks. I heard all the side comments some fellow Mexican kids would say…. luckily I was smarter, more stubborn than them and more competative to prove what I was doing was right and there was nothing wrong with it because I was doing what I wanted to do and be who I wanted to be.

I know many of you probably have your own fair share of stories and things you have gone through where kids or even today as adults, are told that you are not “Asian enough” or possibly have been given crap about dating outside your race. It is mind boggling to me how sometimes the people who hurt us or are the most discouraging are the same people who should be the most supportive. Bottom line is we all need to see eachother past a definition of race and do what we each individually want to do and become. If you are happy striving to become more, go for it! If you are happy being lazy and care not to work hard or thankful just to have your job, so be it! Only way to live is the way that seems most fitting to you.

Buzz & Bella, Fun Places & Things To Do, Travel

Charleston to Savannah

From Charleston to Savannah this is a great 3 day itinerary to Charleston SC and Savannah Georgia with dogs! Yup I brought my little clan along for the vacation. Being in the architectural and design industry I have a love for great architecture and design so visiting these two cities was a little treat for me. This is an itinerary for 3 full days in southern hospitality of Charleston to Savannah. So the food lover and architecture and a little old world charm this is a great trip to take if you live in an urban area. In this trip we spent 2 days in Charleston to Savannah for 1 day. Unless you love old colonial architecture then Savannah, Georgia may just be a great day trip rather than an entire week or even a weekend.

A little bit of advice before I go into a suggested 3 day itinerary both these cities hotel pricing is rather high considering the size of the city and the lack of 4 star accommodations. In fact, the lack of hotel accommodations is what drives the prices up. You will find plenty of bed & breakfast and small hotel chains that offering lodging. I suggest going to sites like or to book a hotel.

2nd tip is if you are on a diet or cannot consume heavy fried foods then you may want to pack a lunch! Just kidding! Truth is the south is not known for “healthy” food and you will experience a major withdrawal of vegetables, salads and anything grilled or steamed. So be prepared and be warned. I am a foodie, but one thing I cannot do is fried foods so I had to find many alternatives to the fried foods.


Day 1- Charleston, Isle of Palms and Downtown

Morning – We traveled to Charleston with out two Boston Terriers, so it was a “family” trip. No I do not have many suggestions for things to do with kids I will share with you one place you MUST go to and bring your four legged kids to.

Visit James Island County Park. This dog oasis is awesome! I wish I could transport it to my home town so I have somewhere just as cool to take my puppies to. Admission to the park is a whopping $1 and parking is free. The park actually has much more than just a dog park with nature preserve, trails, beaches and places to play sports.  We came here in the early part of the day. Those are my two dogs in the pic the white one to the left and the flying black Boston Terrier.

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If you do not havpuppies head to Folly beach which is just 5 minutes south of here. Folly beach is the more “popular” beach for tourist. Has a board walk and places to lounge and enjoy the sun.

Mid day- We headed north of Charleston to one of my favorite beaches Isle Of Palms.

SC Beach Sc Beach Mark Muscles SC Beach Pups

On our way there we stopped to have lunch at one of our favorite fast food places that unfortunately  only exist in the south Raising Canes. Best chicken fingers ever!! My boyfriend is from New Orleans where it originated so we are a bit partial to it. Once at Isle of Palms I suggest heading to the north side of the beach anywhere north of  27th avenue but south or 41st avenue. Parking here is free and you can avoid the crowds and chill with the locals. This beach is dog friendly. Woof-woof! So my Buzz and Bella came along. The water was incredibly warm and just the perfect amount of waves to frolic in the beach or boogie board if you wanted to.

Evening– We headed to downtown Charleston and had dinner at Poogan’s Porch, on Queen Street. I ate fried alligator here! WTH was I thinking?? The food and service were 5 stars! highly recommend making reservation or you will be waiting a long time. Hyman’s Seafood restaurant is also a great place for low-country cuisine. Also be prepared for a long wait. The cool thing is they do hand out crab fish and other fried seafood to those waiting outside to be seated. After dinner we walked along the board walk near Waterfront Park  and enjoyed the calmness of the city. We happened to be there on a forth of July so we enjoyed the fireworks overlooking the Arthur Ravenel Jr. bridge.


Day 2  – Savannah Day Trip

Savannah is approximately a 2 hour car ride from Charleston. It is an easy commute and on a holiday weekend we experienced no traffic. I recommend taking a tour around the city. We personally used Old Savannah Tours as our choice. Guess what? They are pet friendly! So our Buzz and Bella traveled along with us throughout the day.


This is a great choice to get in and around Savannah. You can get off and get back on at multiple spots throughout the city.  Make sure you take some time to stop and enjoy one of the beautiful squares. Drink a cold drink on a bench with someone as you people watch and take in the uniqueness and beauty of this little city.

Make sure you head down to River street and city market. Both are a  great place full of people watching, live music, gift shops, restaurants and more! We grabbed dinner here at the Shrimp Factory.

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Day 3 – Isle of Palms and Charleston

 This days itinerary can be reversed meaning go to the beach during the day and Charleston in the afternoon. You decide but this is what we did.


Day –  We stayed in downtown Charleston and walked along King street which is full of specialty shops and places to eat. You will have plenty to see if you just relax and enjoy wandering around the city.  Head to Battery Park known for its beautiful homes that line the street.

Fort Sumter National Monument — the location of the official start to the Civil War — is accessible via the Fort Sumter Ferry Terminal on Sullivan Island (20 minutes from downtown Charleston).

Downtown Charleston

Downtown Charleston


Afternoon – We couldn’t resist going back to Isle of Palms for more beach fun! We arrived this day to the beach around 5pm. I know kind of weird to go so late, but to my surprise it was still gorgeous outside! The water was incredibly warm in fact we stayed and swam until the sun was setting. What can be more romantic than a sunset at the beach?? Not a whole lot!  Afterwards we headed to the cutest little cantina south of Isle of Palms to Sullivans Island called Taco Mamacita. It doesn’t beat my southern California Mexican tacos, but it wasn’t bad at all. The atmosphere was great and it was a wonderful way to end a nice 3 day vacation to the area.


Remember to EAT Well and TRAVEL Often! 🙂 The Nguyens!

Fun Places & Things To Do, Travel

Italy In Two Weeks

Italy is an incredible country with so much to see and do. Imagining spending only a few days would be a travesty, but Italy in two weeks can be quite enjoyable. I have had the fortune to travel to Italy two times this post is about my most recent trip where I revisited certain must see places and explored new places. I have detailed my Italy in two weeks trip below.

I have traveled to Italy in late September and in the spring, both have turned out to be wonderful times to visit. If I had a suggestion for you I would travel in September after schools start and are in session, prices drop, weather remains beautiful and you do not have to deal with the summer crowds.  My tip as the savvy traveler that I am is to look for flights departing and returning on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. I much rather save little money on a flight that leaves on a Tuesday rather than feel I have to travel on a Friday like the rest of the people. The money I save on booking cheap flights is allocated to better hotels and paying for things to do when I get there. If you want to learn more about How To Buy Cheap Airplane Tickets go HERE.  The following is a link to my post where I detailed a 3 day itinerary of Rome. Click here to read up on your 1st 3 days in ROME. Then you can continue with the remaining days of my Italy in two weeks itinerary.

Day 4 Italy

From Rome on our 4th day we took a train from Rome Central train station to Naples. Although I have visited Naples before on a past trip to Italy, on this one it didn’t make the cut and we simply arrived to head to the port to catch a ferry to the island of Capri. I suggest you take a hydro ferry for an additional $10-15 EURO more. The hydro ferry takes about 45 minutes to arrive. If you are prone to sea sickness you will defiantly want to make sure you take proper medication because it sure can get bumpy! Once you arrive to Capri you will find super cool convertible taxi like this one

Italy In Two Weeks

Italy In Two Weeks


Make sure to ask if your hotel offers free service pick up from the port to the hotel, ours did so we hopped in. For our two night stay in Capri we stayed at the Hotel Weber Embassador. We loved it! Clean rooms, beautiful location and great service! I booked it via 

After check in we used our first night in Capri to head downtown for a stroll and some dinner. Food in Capri is quite expensive and in my opinion tasteless. I stuck to a wine and gelato diet again, but if you must eat, eat the seafood!


Day 5 in Italy and Day 2 in Capri


This day we chartered a private boat tour Around the island we used . This was by far one of the coolest and most relaxing experiences! A must do! We sailed through the whole island sipping lemincello and stopping in the middle of the Mediterranean, to jump in for a swim. We went to the famous blue grotto which is the biggest tourist trap. Instead of waiting for hours to get in and paying a hefty cost our driver took us to our own grotto.  I couldn’t resist to jump into the Mediterranean ocean. My swimsuit matched the color of the ocean…turquoise blue!

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Afterwards we grabbed lunch and headed up to the highest point in Capri Mount Solaro. You have a choice of hiking up or take the chairlift up to the summit. We took the chairlift…much easier! The view for up here is breathless!








Day 6 in Italy Day 3 in Capri.

This morning we woke up to do some swimming in the pool and had lunch downtown. We said our goodbyes to this enchanting island and took the ferry back to Naples and from Naples took the high speed bullet train Trenitalio check out my blog about it here. 

To Florence. We arrived in Florence in the evening checked into our hotel and went on a night stroll through the stresses. Florence is a very diverse city. Millions of college students, foreigners have called this their home. You can find a variety of great restaurants, good food and great prices oh and tons of great shopping! Florence is known for its leather products make sure you do your research before hand to know what type of leather is real and better.

Day 7 Italy  Florence Day 2

We used this day to head to Pisa and Lucca and evening in Florence. Take the local train from Florence main station to Pisa. In Pisa of course the must see sight is the leaning tower of Pisa. You have to see it to believe it. Pretty incredible sight to see it leaning so much. Take your cheesy pictures and then from Pisa we took a local bus that you can catch right on the main street in front of the Leaning Tower to Lucca

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Lucca is a beautiful medieval town that still has its original walls standing. It is all walled in. You can rent bikes for a few euro from many vendors and bike around the city. That is what we did and had an amazing time!

We spent a few hours here (which is all you will need) and then took the bus back to Florence to arrive in time well before sunset.

If you do not know already, I am a major sucker for sunsets. I love them! I think they are magical and beautiful. Every place I travel too I try to schedule a day to watch one from some of the most beautiful points in the city. In Florence I decided to head to Piazzale Michelangelo which is a famous square with a magnificent panoramic view of Florence, Italy. It is very romantic and anyone could easily fall in love with the city and with the person you are with.


Day 8  Florence

Since this was my second trip to Florence I didn’t revisit many of the museums like I had in the past, but if it your first trip then you must go see Michelangelo’s sculptured master piece: David. This is housed at Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze  We spent this day in Florence checking out all the shopping, visiting the many italian shops. I also suggest you go see The Ponte Vecchio the Medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental arch bridge over the Arno River, in Florence, Italy.

Day 9  Cinque Terre

One of my friends suggested I visit Cinque Terre when he heard I was going to be traveling to Italy and thank goodness I listened! I had no idea what the Cinque Terre was and in my original Italy in two weeks plan it was not included and did not think I would have the time for it, but good thing we went!  The Cinque Terre is a rugged portion of coast on the Italian Riviera. “The Five Lands” is composed of five villages: Monterosso al Mare,VernazzaCornigliaManarola, and Riomaggiore.I didn’t have too much time to dedicate to the area we decided to do a 1 day trip. I found a great trip on the website Viator. Check it out they have a lot of great ones.

After the trip, I was quite happy that we did the one day trip and that we only spent one day. You will agree with me if you ever visit because each town is quite small and can easily be seen and experienced in a few hours so staying several days if you’re a little more adventurous like me… may bore you.


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Day 10

Florence by Day and Afternoon train trip to Venice.


Day 11   Venice

We opted to stay at a hotel that was located outside of the main island of Venice. We stayed at the Anthony Palace Hotel.   The hotel was amazing! Very modern clean and offered a car service for a few Euro that took you to Venice main transportation hub. We took this early morning and then began exploiting Venice. Unless you are really into theater  or crowds on tourist in little tight space, I personally feel you can see and experience all that Venice has to offer in one day. By 6pm that evening we were all Veniced out and ready to head back to the hotel. We finished that evening at the spa and relaxing.

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Day 12 Fly Home or Plan a Long Layover 

Our flight home had us stopping in Amsterdam with a 8 hour layover, so what did we do? Sit in the airport and read magazines? Get a massage? Nope! We took the train from the airport to downtown and went on a boat tour though the Amsterdam canals!   The train trip to the center of Amsterdam is approximately 20mins. Once you arrive you will see directly across the street a tour operators for these canal cruises. It’s a great way to see the city if you are limited with time.  The tour last 1.5 hours and again well worth it if you have limited time like we did!

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So there you have it my Italy in two weeks agenda. Italy is the type of country you can easily fall in love with. I do not recommend only going for 2 weeks, but if that is all you have then Italy in two weeks is possible and you will greatly enjoy it!

Happy travels to all!

P.S On my last Italy adventure of 2 weeks I visited these cities: Milan, Verona, Siena, Florence, Rome, Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento. That is a whole different itinerary will share later. Italy has so many places and cities to visit going for only 2 weeks it is impossible to explore everything, but it is sure better than not going at all!

Technology & Gagets

HTC One Review

Just got my hands on the new HTC One and in this blog I will give an HTC One review coming from a formal iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S 3 & 4 user I know a good phone when I see one! Check out my video below to hear my review or read all about it! Make sure to leave a comment or share if you have friends that are looking to get a new phone. This could be one they should consider! Thanks and enjoy!

HTC One: Size and build

Well to start off I now have found a phone whose build is as good in act I think better than the iPhone. In terms of build quality the HTC One is almost flawless. A precision machined aluminum body is then seamlessly joined to the rest of the phone making this phone completely flush. All the buttons on the phone are flush.

It’s certainly on a par with Apple’s own standards and even though we’ve only had a short time with the S4 we’re going to go ahead and say that its got that safely beat. As a formal Samsung user one thing I always disliked about the Samsung is its cheap plastic feel. The phone felt so fragile. In fact it was! God knows how many times my heart missed a beat when I dropped it.

The all aluminium body may make you think it is one heavy phone, but it is not.  It is slightly thicker than the iPhone 5 and the dimensions across are 137.4 x 68.2 x 9.3mm.

On the top you’ll find the power/lock button and on the side is the volume rocker, which, from a design point- of-view is the weakest aspect of the phone. On the front you’ll notice two rectangular grills which is where HTC has managed to cram two speakers for stereo sound.   HTC OneReview

HTC One: Features & Camera

The most notable addition is BlinkFeed, a news aggregation that can be customized using your social networks and by adding a number of compatible news sources. In principle it’s a brilliant idea however we found that day to day it’s just not customizable enough and with only pre-approved news sources available it never truly feels like a rival for Flipboard.  I personally use the NOVALAUNCHER as my operating system. It is up to the user to chose which of the two you like most. My vote is try both and keep the one you like!
The HTC One sports a 4MP Ultrapixel camera. Yes you saw correctly, Ultrapixel – not Megapixel. All camera sensors are broken up into tiny photo sites, each photo-site then translates into one pixel so while the HTC One has less of these than most of its rivals, it’s actually still taking up the same amount of physical space because the photo sites are much bigger. This means it can collect a lot more light and then in turn produce much better looking photos. This picture below was taken with my HTC One phone. I did use my phone picture editor to brighten it up, but overall the quality was great! Very crisp and clear to me.

SC Beach Pups

This next feature I just LOVE and sold me on the phone is this HTC Zoe. How many times have you gone on vacation or had a great weekend and you tell yourself “oh I want to post these pictures” or “I want to make a slideshow” and you never do it? That was me all the time! … a simple click of the shutter button captures up to 20 photos and a 3-second video image, including the last second of images before you tapped the picture button. The advantage of this is that not only do you have a short clip (known as a ‘Zoe’) for social networks but you can also drag through the video and pick a picture if you’d rather just send a still.

HTC One: Screen

The HTC One comes with a 4.7-inch 1080p Full HD display sporting a ludicrous 468ppi. Again nice enough screen to view all your pics, icons, Facebook newsfeed and do some reading.

It’s a stunning panel that produces dazzling levels of contrast and color reproduction and while we know the current trend is to go bigger, we’d argue that HTC has absolutely nailed it with this 4.7-inch offering.

HTC One: Speakers

Boasting BEATS by Dre audio engine the sound quality is great! I love using my HTC One while working out or going for a run. The speakers lay on the front face of the phone and allow the sound to be carried thru very well.

HTC One Review

HTC One Review

HTC One: Performance

You will find a 1.7GHz quad-core processor along with 2GB of RAM, which combined makes the HTC One one of the fastest smartphones on the planet. While we would question the need for such an overt amount of power it certainly means that navigating the One is absolutely seamless with no lag whatsoever when gaming, playing video or through heavy multi-tasking.

HTC One: Battery

The battery life is AMAZING! I have had my HTC One for over 2 months and used it heavily and have only had it drop down to about 15% of battery life. It has not once died on me. This is completely opposite of my old phones. With the Samsung S3 I used to carry 3 external batteries and with the iPhone I did the “iphone wall dance” you know you are plugged into the wall with a short extension cord because once again your iPhone died. Sound familiar?

Well this battery is a BEAST!

HTC One: Should I Buy It?

The HTC One has placed Samsung in a unique position. When the Samsung Galaxy S3 came out it simply became the best Android smartphone available making it the only true rival to Apple’s iPhone by default. While the jury will remain out, all signs point to yes. It’s simply one of the most exciting pieces of hardware we’ve seen in a long time, including the Galaxy S IV. As of this moment, the HTC One is looking like the best Android phone you’ll be able to buy for the foreseeable future.

Have the HTC One? What do you think? Share your own personal review and comments below!


Entrepreneur's Corner, My Thoughts, Personal Growth

How to Take a Mini-Retirement – The 4-Hour Workweek

I have been glued to reading “The Four Hour Work Week”  more so because I finally found someone who identified and clearly described exactly what I work so hard to build my life as. Time Ferris details hot to take a mini-retirement and have the continue throughout life rather than wait to just have one. Here is how to take a mini retirement The 4 Hour Workweek style.

One of my favorite phrases is “the birth of mini retirements and the death of vacations”. Time Ferris says “Why wait until you are 65 to start exploring and enjoying life? Why not take the usual 65 year old retirement and distribute it throughout life?”  

That is what I have decided to do and damn it feels good!   facebook_photo_download_2032623810632

I have always been someone who has had a problem with routine or following under someone else domain. I guess you can say I have always marched to the beat of my own drum. Many times I can say it has lead me to some trouble, but the success and enjoyable life experiences it has lead me to far outnumber the mistakes and failures. At the end of the day it is what you experience in life that you take with you, not what you were able to buy and own.
Mini retirements are reoccurring. Meaning you do not go one- once in a lifetime trip, you go on MANY and for a few weeks or even months at a time!. Many people my age get married and have that one extravagant honeymoon and then they succumb themselves to a mundane life of routine. How can routine be good for anyone??!!! Talk about loss of interest, passion, your brain even goes numb. I will discuss routine later in a different post, but this time I am simply sharing my recently identified title for the life I have chosen and choose to continue to live.    bored
True freedom is having time freedom. I am not and have never been impressed with fancy title or high salaries. I live in a city full of stuffy nosed wall street bankers and brokers who make “a lot of money”. But I also get to see and witness how they live. Have you ever taken a stroll down through the streets of wall street around 6-7pm? I remember years ago I had a meeting with a friend downtown and I walked through one of the streets. I was in awe by the sheer number of delivery bikes in the area. I glanced one way and saw almost like a scene in the schindler’s List hands flinging open to grab food as money was exchanged. The “rich” wall street folks were getting there dinner delivered.


Rich? Really? Well in my opinion that is far from it.

Everyone is entitled to there lifestyle they choose. I am simply voicing that I think this way of living is rather poor. To restrain yourself to vacationing and having a total of 14 “vacation” days a year or now a days 20 or 22 is not something worth giving up in my opinion the time to be home and have dinner amongst loved ones. Hey I guess if you cant stand your kids, wife, husband and or you don’t have any of this or care for it in your life, then hey, go for it and eat your dinner at your desk too. But not me. I chose not to.

I have not reached the level of success I have plans for, but I have devised a way to live the type of life I love and am happy with now as I only get to add to it. I have been called a gypsy, vagabond, and even was named the little “Travelocity Nome” by a friend.  My passion for travel and exploring is what motivates me to find alternatives ways to earn money, build cash flow and focus my time in businesses and careers that can support this addiction. Last year I visited New Orleans twice, spent 2 weeks in Italy seeing and exploring all the areas I had not yet seen in my previous trip to Italy and then 2 months later  took an entire month off and traveled across country visiting family with my boyfriend and puppies during the holidays.  Having the ability to do this brings me life!

What brings you happiness and life to your days?

Maybe it is the career you have now, maybe it isn’t?

Maybe it is teaching, but you don’t make much money… what is wrong with that?

Not everything valuable in life is measured by your salary. Think about what you are currently doing and what you would like to be doing. Mistakes made because of ambition or acceptable and can always be reversible or forgiven.

Think about what areas of your life need to be remodeled and share with me what are some things you would like to do or change.

Fun Places & Things To Do, Travel

48 Hours in New York

Got only 48 Hours in New York? Not a problem! Experience the empire state of mind in New York on this 2 day itinerary having only 48 hours in New York will be just enough to enjoy the sights and sounds! Having lived in the city and worked in the city for over 8 years I have my fair share of knowing the ins and outs and all the local cool places to go to so you have one hell of an experience in NYC! Although this itinerary could be followed by anyone on any 2 consecutive days I tailored it to a Thursday night arrival and departure of Sunday evening. Now if you are visiting the big apple and only have 48 hours in NYC then check out my other article of a fun Girls Night Out in NYC article I wrote.

Day One – Friday

No other place in America has as authentic of a Chinatown as we do here in NYC. Whether you are a fan or not trying out the traditional Chinese breakfast called “dim sum” is something everyone should do if not for the flavor, for the experience. I suggest a weekday because if you decide to go on a weekend expect to wait at least 45mins to 1 hour to be seated. Once you are down here you can easily head to lower Manhattan to catch a boat tour around NYC or one that goes to Statue of Liberty.

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48 Hours In New York

48 Hours In New York

After your trip to Ellis Island or around the river you can make It to the 911 Memorial. Make sure you preregister for tickets on the desired date you want to go. While you are in the area walk through famous Wall street and feel what the energy is like.

For lunch I would head back into Chinatown and have lunch at Chinese restaurant. One of my faves is eating “soup dumplings”. My favorite place to go is Shanghai Cafe. While in Chinatown buy all your tourist souvenirs here. They are the cheapest and best selection! “I Heart NY shirts” galore!! You are only a few block from little Italy where you can then grab a canola at the many bakeries to fuel you for the 2nd half of your tour. I like to go to Ferrera Cafe & Bakery.

From Chinatown I would catch the F subway line to York Street where you will arrive to a neighborhood called “DUMBO” which stands for Directly Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. You can walk towards the waterside and catch an incredible view of the Manhattan sky line. When you return to Manhattan head east to south street seaport area.

48 Hours in New York

48 Hours in New York

By this time in the day you will probably want to head back to your hotel and freshen up for the sunset and evening. Head to the Gansevoort Hotel rooftop bar and lounge to watch the sunset over the Hudson river. If nightlife is your scene then you are right in the middle of it! The Meat packing district is full of poshy places. If it is too stuffy for you then leave now and head to Magnolia Bakery to try their famous goodies.



Breakfast: Dim Sum in Chinatown

Boat Tour of NYC

Statue of Liberty

911 Memorial

Wall Street


Lunch: Eat at Shanghai Café Soup Dumplings

Little Italy – Desert canolis

Brooklyn Bridge

South Street Seaport


Rooftop Gansevoort Hotel Sunset off the Hudson

Walk along Highline Park

Magnolias Bakery

Meat Packing Area


Day Two – Saturday

This day I would focus on the cities midtown and upper east and west side. Start your day with a boozy brunch at Calle Ocho. Make a reservation. It is a boozy brunch spot that has a sangria bar! Yup over 20 to chose from. To wash down that food take a walk over to central park entering through 72nd street and Central Park west and walk to the reservoir and the great lawn so you can witness Manhattans … grassy beach. People laying out if you are there in the summer…or witness the fall foliage or the snow covered trees. No matter the season, Central park is beautiful!

48 Hours in New York

48 Hours in New York


You can rent a bike and travel by bike or simply walk along the many paths. Exit through the east side and you will arrive at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. NYC has many museums and you can easily spend an entire weekend at all. I appreciate art and do love it, but with limited time I would select only 1 to go to and visit.

From here walk south to 59th and 5th ave where you will come across one of many Apple stores in NYC. Stay on 5th Ave and walk south to experience the world renowned shopping district. If you stay on 5th ave until 34th street you will arrive at another monument the Empire State Building. The trip up to the 86th floor will put you back $25 but it is well worth it. Head up and take in the impressive skyline and take pictures. When you are done you are only 1 block from Korea town. I love eating Korean fried chicken. If you have never tried it, it is a must! There is Bonchon or a place called Mad for Chicken(a hidden gem and looks like you are walking to a dingy office, but the food is great!) Stay on 5th Ave. and walk south to 23rd street where you will bump into the famous Flat Iron building. At Madison square park you can catch lunch at the famous Shake Shack if fried chicken isn’t your thing. Must try these and a milk shake! Walk into Eataly which is a new very cool Italian market place.Upstairs there is a rooftop beer garden .

Head to the east village for dinner at Ippudo and all the many spots to eat nick knacks and then back up to midtown for a Broadway show in Time Square. Be sure to walk up the red steps After the show you can grab desert at New York’s finest and famous cheesecake Juniors or you can walk towards 6th Ave. and see Radio City music hall and then head up to Serendipity for dessert there. (except to be waiting)



Brunch:Calle Ocho

Central Park – bike ride

Metropolitan Museum

5th Ave shopping


Hop on Off Bus Tour

Empire State Building

Lunch:Korea Town Mad For Chicken

Madison Square Park


East Village

Dinner: Ippudo

Time Square

Broadway show

Serendipity for desert

Juniors Cheesecake

230 5th Fifth Rooftop


Day Three – Sunday

Try to plan a return flight that leaves late. You can always leave your luggage at the hotel and then return to pick it up and make it to the airport in time for your flight home.

If there was another hotel you wanted to visit or some shopping you were not able to do use today to do that.