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Love & Marriage, Relationships

Does Sex Drive Die With Age?

Does sex drive die with age. Do our sex lives really start to suck at age 28 and 34? What a LIE!! At least I would have to speak for myself. Mine has arrived and it is here to stay! Can I hear an AMEN! If you feel me then LEAVE a COMMENT BELOW 🙂

But look for yourself here is the full article from MSN written below:

“If you’re a 33-year-old man or a 28-year-old woman, enjoy getting it on while it lasts. Researchers have pinpointed those as the ages at which men and women enjoy the best sex of their lives. The survey also determined that men generally lose their virginity around 18 and are most sexually active around age 29, while women tend to have sex for the first time around age 17 and are most active at age 25, reinforcing that “practice makes perfect” truism. The survey, conducted by the British sex-toy company Lovehoney, contradicts previous findings that men reach peak sexuality at age 18, women at 30. It’s a sad day indeed in “cougar” land.”

LINK to article

I really find it hard to believe that people can loose there sex drive at that age because at 18 to 26 I was miss awkward and non sexual. Now as I have matured I feel sexier and more sexual than ever! (and it doesn’t hurt that I have an amazing partner…) Now if you are sadly in this category then please do check out my link on COACHING SERVICES not only can I help you meet the right man or woman… you have to make sure your sex drive gets resuscitated and well… he or she’s doesn’t run away from you!

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My Thoughts, People Skills, Relationships

Young Love

It is old news to most, Mark Zuckerberg married his long time girlfriend of 8 years this weekend in a small intimate ceremony accompanied by no more than 100 guest. The news brought a smile to my face as it is great to see two people whom love each other make a commitment in front of friends and family to share their love.

Another thing that brought a smile to my face in a kind of a “take that” type of attitude was the two ultra successful under 30 year old people dated for 8 years, yes people while they were working on their success, became successful and then got hitched!

Take that for young people not being able to date and be successful!

In my early immature days I had been exposed to the idea that young people could not date and become successful. One of the “successful” people I once looked at for mentorship used to always claim his secret for success was discipline and focus. He was young mid-twenties, male and had not dated for more than 8 years!! I always found this extremely rare (and strange)! I just didn’t see how it was humanly possible. I mean we are mammals that need love, attention, and sex how is it possible you can go that long without getting any of that? Gosh, can you imagine the amount of zits this person had from all the sexual frustration?!?!

And supposedly not dating and being focused would help you become more successful?

I’m thinking it would make me more stressed out and more irate.

The funny thing is I always noticed this “dedicated and focused mentor” be exactly that… stressed out and miserable!

It wasn’t until years later, once I put a few things together on how he never dated any women, but always seemed to have boy slumber parties and boy bed partners that I realized maybe he never dated or was intimate with any girls, but he seemed to always have boys sleepovers. Then i realized his sexual preference!  I am totally open to all sexual preferences, my closes friends would be the first to tell you how supportive I am of it. I just think its extremely low class to pretend to be someone you are not. So this “focused-non-dating” individual painted this image to the public as this purist hero and role model for “work now and become successful” and not to be side tracked by dating, but in reality he proved my point that 8 years without any love, attention and affection would be pretty darn miserable… so that is where the boy slumber parties feel into place, it fed his need to “be close” to another person.  Meanwhile, the other guys in those particular slumber parties were in awe of being so close to this purist hero, role model person, never suspected that they were only bait.

My point is… Be Open with Everyone! and Find Love! Now!

Today, I find it fitting to take a few minutes to share with everyone that despite what people may believe that it is impossible to be in a relationship and become successful, I don’t think there is a better example than Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerberg tying the knot. The two met 8 years ago, that means pre Facebook days people! Mrs. Zuckerberg was a medical student at Harvard and Zuckerberg an out of the box computer programmer developing what today can soon become the single most impactful invention in our lives…. Can you say they were busy?

Do you think that were pretty focused and ambitious?

I think so!

Making your love life wait and putting it on hold until you become successful is just a formula for disaster in my opinion. Should certain things take priorities? Of course! But to completely overlook love and finding a love partner is to me extremely immature and not very smart. You might as well just get a mail-order bride/groom if you end up successful and single. Most (wo)men … ugh 99% of them will want you for your worth and not for you. It is the stark truth people. I wish I could say that at that stage in your success you can find someone who loves you for who you are not for what you have…. But I am just not that confident to say that it is possible.

So lesson here is why make love wait. You can work hard in many areas of your life… except love! If your having trouble then seek professional help and check out my dating services

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My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth, Relationships

When Nobody Likes You

I hate to be a Debbie Downer with a topic, I actually had my doubts on whether I should write about this or not because I feel very strongly and I am against Bullies, people who are mean to others and those who feel are superior to others and like to belittle others. In fact this post is more in support to all those who have been bullied or have to put up with peoples uncalled for and nasty ways of dealing with people… hence, THEY are the ones nobody likes and those whom the rest of us can learn from their “relationship failures”.

I speak a lot about dating and developing good relationships…true most of the time it revolves around love …. That is because I can’t help, but to be a romantic! But what happens when you are the one who nobody likes. For example, recently I came across this:


Why is it that some people even on a social space like Facebook where people whored around the word “friends” some people just can’t get any?? And I know some are thinking “Well I never go on Facebook and I don’t care about interacting with people on their I rather interact in person”. I agree to the rather interact in person, but not so much with ignoring what today is pretty much a way of communication and living whether we like it or not… Virtual communication is here to stay people! So GET CONNECT PEOPLE!  Umm.. go ahead and LIKE my page and connect with me now while your at it : CONNECT WITH ME

Now the easy thinig to say is “well they rather have a small group of friends than be liked by everybody” and I agree some people do choose to have a small intimate group of friends, but I also feel that is an excuse for the “nobody likes them folks” to explain their lack of friends and being liked. You see in my opinion having few friends can be looked at in a two ways:

  1. You Have Few Friends Because YOU Choose It;
  2. You Have Few To NO Friends Because Nobody Likes You.


They way I strive to be build my life is with this philosophy:

Have Close Nit Circle of Friends And Be Well Liked And Respected By Many!

Why not! You can develop that if you choose too.

So from those folks that “nobody likes” there is something to learn from a failure of friends.

So I and you should  ask also :

What do these people do to repeal so many people?

How do they act?


Here are a few things I have noticed and will point out about these loners:

  1. They talk badly about someone to others, and then go hangout with that person as if they are their best friend.

“ Yeah so&so is such a B***! I cant stand know what she did…”

“Oh so&so of course! Lets hang out this weekend! I’m dying too see you!”


2. They are always devaluing your own accomplishments and speaking about how theirs are so much better.

“That’s cool about your companies bonus I guess…my company gave me a much bigger bonus…”


3. Talking way too much about themselves in a show off type of way

“So yeah like I have sooooo many friends and were just going to have like 3 weddings, 2 honeymoons and top notch all open bar”

“OMG like I cant walk down the street without a guy hollering at me. I have great legs, they just cant stop looking at me”


4.They do not acknowledge people

Scenario: Loner joins the rest of a dinner table full of people, by just sliding in and not saying hi to anyone and they leave without saying goodbye.

5. Are fair weather friends  – Friends only when it is convenient to them.

6. Have a critique about everything you do!

7. When in a relationship they seclude everyone except their significant other.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend in town or they just got one = You are forgotten about.

8. Have no loyalty or appreciation. Have my fair share of these folks!

9. They are the “obnoxious drunk” or the extreme “stiffy” friend.

So your at the bar and everyone is drinking or dancing or sharing their steamy s*x stories, but that one clearly-not-religious friend of yours is Mr./Mrs. Closed.- ANNOYING! Why even go hang out??!!

Or you go out and they are the ones drinking & talking so loudly you start wondering if you are out with a friend or a little kid.


Many of have known or know people like this. Some even continue to give these people the time and day ! Why? Not sure, maybe because they feel bad which is a very noble thing to think or feel you are “helping” them. But I believe what makes relationships strong and friendships valuable is when someone can knock some sense in you and not just allow you to keep making the same mistakes. Sometimes the most noble and helpful thing you can do for someone is to bluntly show them the effects of their actions.

Hey do me a favor, let us hear your opinions and comment below and if you LIKED IT , then help me


To building great friendships, sharing love and finding your soulmate!  


People Skills

How To Start A Conversation With A Girl

How To Start A Conversation With A Girl or how do you start a conversation with a complete stranger and given you are a man and she is a woman.. one that you are interested in? Is it possible to learn the Art Of Conversation and have the courage and skills to go from eyeing a woman you are interested in to approaching her to then asking the right, again the RIGHT question that will have you engaged in a conversation with her and not leave you feeling like a complete loser??

Yes men! I believe so! In fact I KNOW SO!

I have taught countless men and women do just that! And some of the these men I taught, trust me were completely lost before I got my hands on them. I have taught ugly men, handsome men, men full of themselves, men who think they are superior, short men and even men who couldn’t speak english. You can do it too!

So here is the scenario. I was at the gym the other morning and if you don’t know already I enjoy running. I only go to the gym when the weather is bad otherwise you will never catch me in there. So I am on the treadmill, headphones on jamming and running my butt off for 30minutes. I unlike some women, go to gym and workout do the in and out. You never see me with mascara, the fake eyelashes the perfect hair. I have the “just woke up look” and of course my favorite baseball hat on. I had felt like someone was watching me the entire workout and sure enough the minute I got off the creepy guy who I caught staring at me during my run comes up to me and mutters:  “Are you a runner?”             

And that my friends, is where it ended for him.

1st I couldn’t gather myself to want to talk to him because all i thought was “What a stupid question. Yeah you idiot I am a runner, didn’t you just stare at me for 30minutes while I…. “RAN” “.

2nd Even though he wasn’t ugly in fact most women would have thought he was attractive again I couldn’t get out of the state of mind that this guy was well to put it nicely lame.

So if you are the man reading this and think “oh thats hard Adriana” then I have news for you. If you ever want to date and eventually be in a long term relationship with a woman of value then it will take more out of you. That type of pick up only works for very desperate girls who are astonished that they even got attention.

If I were a boy I would have done these 3 things differently… pay attention…

1. Do not stare at someone for their entire workout. You come across creepy and well it is annoying. One good eye contact and thats it! Move away, go away and do not go staring again… until its time to approach.

2. Never start a conversation with an obvious answer. I would have said “You have a nice running stride, what is your average running distance?”

See that my friends, is you acknowledge the obvious, but then asked a question that involves her having to answer….

I’m a woman, of course I know what turns us on!!

And not only do I know this, but I also understand the physiology behind every woman, I know What Every Woman Likes In  Man. You can discover this and much more in my “HOW TO GET ANY WOMEN YOU WANT, EVEN IF YOU AREN’T TALL, RICH OR GOOD LOOKING” ebook.

This represents COUNTLESS hours, research, personal experience and revealing never before fundamental humanistic characteristics that if understood and learned, literally revolutionize your dating and sexy life.

And I’ll tell you something…

It works.

This eBook is one of the most effective programs of its kind available anywhere at ANY price.

Let me remind you that it’s the first and only of its kind written by a woman, from a woman’s perspective to a man.

So if you’ve ever asked to understand women, then here you baby, it can be yours with just a click here:

People Skills

5 Big Butt Etiquette Rules For Women

Have a KaDunkADunk? No problem! Here are 5 big butt etiquette rules to follow. Learn to love your big ol’butt. In many countries and cultures it is a blessing, so learn to appreciate it. However having a big butt does have its issues so read on to learn the 5 big butt etiquette rules to follow.  
5.) Avoid White Or Grey Leggings/Spandex
Take note, leggings mark dangerous turf and grey and white are natural expanders and you don’t know how many times I have seen women with these things plastered on like they were painted on.This then exposes all the cottage cheese associated with the big butt and well ladies not a nice thing to see or to show to a man. Also, shirts that fall below the crotch are necessary with leggings too -TRUST.  Depending on your tolerance for public panting or display of your big booty, you may want to consider a cease and desist.

4.) Play It Cool During Big Butt Anthems
This is a hard one, I know. Now I would never recommend anyone deprive themselves the great satisfaction of delivering a proper  stanky leg rendition. However, I would advise  practicing personal reservation during a$$ anthem music. Not as a public safety measure nor as a preventative measure to deactivate ignorance (afterall, a$$ anthems summon it) but just because its horribly cliche.  Don’t be the first, second, or third chick to take it low and sweep the floor. I say, be the fifth… Yea fifth is good.

3.) Low-Cut Jeans Are Not Your Friends
I got to be real, crack IS whack! You may not like this rule especially since so many of the latest trends involve the low cut skinny jeans,but you gotta deal with it chick, you can’t participate in this fashion trend. Simply because no matter what notch you fasten that belt to, your booty crack will be exposed1 Go for high-waisters, they flesh out your shape and are much more flattering.

2.) Mini Skirts and Shorts

It may be hot and they may look good on others, but if you have a big butt it is just to risky to expose the very likely cottage cheese sections of your butt and thighs. Opt for longer skirts or if you decide to wear a mini, make sure it is only in the fall when you can wear some nice opaque tights to hold it all in.

1.) Save the Best for Last
True story. If you do it from the back as kickoff, you might not make it to the end of the show. He will enjoy it so much it will make you wonder when it will end and when he can get back to pleasing you…but sadly it never happens. So save the best for last and make him work for it!

Big butt or small butt we all as ladies share many things in common despite how we were shaped in the world of dating and not only do I know this, but I also understand the physiology behind every woman, I know What Every Man Wants.

I was single for many years, but never alone. I always managed to have a date and being able to get one seemed to come easy, but it wasn’t always like that. I have spent many years learning from experts and thru trial and error of my own dating life learning and discovering the things all men love in women. I have now mastered the art of conversation and how to date more great men and for the men I know what women like. SO if you haven’t connected with me already go ahead and subscribe to my newsletter at Look forward to connecting with you!



Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, People Skills

How To Get Out Of A Bad Date

How To Get Out Of A Bad Date



Been on a bad date? If you have been dating, I am sure you have! In this video I show you how to get out of a bad date. So next time you do not have to waste your time with a dochebag!  Watch the video to learn exactly what you need to do so you know how to get out of a bad date. For better dates keep reading my blog for dating tips and advice so you can avoid the bad ones! Enjoy!


Been on a bad date? Share with me how you got out of it. Comment BELOW. If you liked this video share it with a friend and show me some love with a LIKE!

People Skills

How To Meet Singles At The Airport

This is one of my most liked videos and with SUMMER Vacation season here if you are single, you SHOULD be watching this. You never know who you can and will meet on your next vacation. In this video I share my tips on how you can meet singles at the airport during this busy travel season. Use these times to strike up a conversation with some hot singles.

My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

Low Class Splurger

Are you guilty of being a low class splurger? Is it wrong to splurge on yourself and buy yourself luxury goods, toys or delicious dinners?? I believe we ALL have the right to buy whatever we desire and want. What is money if you cannot buy yourself what you want. So what do I mean by a “Low Class Splurger” ?

Cars, shoes, purses, jewelry, etc bought and boasted about publically across social networks and smacked in your face. Some of you think it is annoying. Others get jealous and others loath and love it.

Is it so wrong to buy yourself something most people could never afford or would be too cheap to buy for themselves?

I don’t think so!

In my opinion everyone has the right to do whatever the heck they want to do with their money. You worked for it. You earned it. So now do what you want with it. However, I can’t be so sure most of us have proper what I call boasting etiquette when we do make these purchases and fail to use even the slightest bit of logic when we buy and boast. I have a few annoying, make you want to slap some people silly examples you may have also witnesses. Here are some of my faves:

The Hypocrite Buyer This is the guy who talks loudly about saving the environment, but drives a big fancy gas guzzler and drinks out of Styrofoam cups. Or the women who claims to be an animal lover and activist, t has an extensive collection of fur hats, coast and boots! I once knew a lady who was just that! She would constantly share about how much she loved her dog and other animals as she sat there telling me  decked out in fur from head to toe. Why? And no I never had the guts to say what I was thinking directly to her… well I guess until now if she reads this. Come’ lady its 60degrees outside who are you showing off all the fur too?

Credit Card Debit Princess

Oh these girls, they are really funny! Ok it is super cute to wear the newest shoes or carry around the latest signature bag, but it is not very princess like when you rack up your own credit cards, have creditors calling and mailing you constantly and all your super luxurious things get hung and stored in your not so big closet in an apartment you share with 3 other people… Ghetto Fab?? I feel some people get caught up in this overspending like a drug habit. They have this desire to NEED to have the name brand things as if the name brand gave them some sort of hierarchical boast.

Truth is: if you have a shallow personality the cute shoes or purse or the nicest car won’t make you more liked. I believe clothes; accessories and things you own should be the complement & highlight the beautiful well liked person you are not what are responsible for making you appear better than you really are. If you are single and think this helps, it doesn’t. Guys see it as starving for attention… not very sexy. And if you are the man doing it, you are only going to get the type of women who want to use you for your money. No excuses though! You SHOULD care about how you look and present yourself so get rid of the raggedy shoes and buy some….NOW!

Fake It Till You Make It

In my young and naive days, I was associated with a company that taught this. They would have and from what I know, still do have their “Top Dogs” buy fancy cars thru parents or their friends credit, knowing they cant afford them(late payments, etc) and buy all the name brand items to “show” people they were making money. Again, I admit I was a fan and still am of name brand things

A.) because I like them and B.) The quality many times is much better.

So these “Top Dogs” were like little cartoon characters by day they drive  around in fancy cars with all their bling on and at night reside in a furniture less apartment with 5 other people eating instant noodles and slaving away 7 days a week calling that “successful or retirement”. Again a big no-no in my books about splurging etiquette.

Ghetto Fabulous

Ok so you just cashed your $500 check and you want to post pictures of all the $20 bills you have…..    

and the background of the picture shows your old as cheese messy with cracks on the wall house… but your rolling right??

In conclusion buy, spend, experience, celebrate and splurge! I sure will.

My wish is that you simply learn to be a little more classy about what you have, what you get and how you decide to share it with your friends and family. Not only may you come across as low class and annoying it can also be a matter of safety when you use these open online networks you never know who is watching and reading about what you have. I leave with sharing with you one of my favorite quotes is: The Empty Wagon Makes A Lot Of Noise.


My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

Why People Block You On Facebook

If Facebook is supposed to connect you, why do people get on it and then block you? In a time where technology has grown to be such a large part of our lives and well when it comes to dating, it has been a huge resource to engage and contact millions. So why do people have these accounts to make their lives public and easily accessible to people, only to block others? Why People Block You on Facebook?


Well one obvious reason is that you are creepy maybe a registered sex offender, you are harassing them, or you are just annoying. In which I agree and ALSO would and have block several people.

Now what is the explanation for the other blocking??

Well I have my fair share of both blocking people and being blocked and this is what I have narrowed it down too:

1. You Know Wayyyyy Too Much Crap About Them

Oh let me tell you, if something makes someone hide more it is them finding out that “You Know” That you know the truth. The truth about them, their past, there dirty little secrets and unethical ways…  I just wish that the same people who “hide” or “block” you would realize that their little lives revolve around hanging around the same people, same places and same little town. Guess what? The world is small and the truth always, always comes out.


2. Being The “Ex- Girlfriend/Boyfriend”

Unless you are stuck in middle school, we all have had and been in a relationship. For the people out there who think the first guy you date is the one you marry I have news for you: It isn’t always like that. If it is good for you. If not guess what?? You will be at one point or another the “EX” and have “exes”.   If you fall in the “Crazy ex category” then you deserve to be blocked and I would block you too! I would give you the “Outta my life button!”  And if you have been this crazy ex bf/gf realize your  ex doesn’t want to hear from you or have you constantly still nagging them…isnt that why he left you?? And then there is the time when the “EX” blocks you the new guy/girl. I can understand this especially when the new guy/girl witnessed some of the crazy ex pyscho activity… So to all the girls who have been dumped, don’t be the crazy pyscho girl then you will never have to block the people who witnessed your outbreak. I know its embarrassing to know that person witness your hoopla so just don’t do it anymore.

3. You Are Annoying

I admit I may be on peoples Block list for this… I write a lot about dating, relationships umm possibly some things that may offend people. It is ok I deal with it. So yeah, if you talk a lot about things people just have NO interest in such as ummm you constantly posting about:

– Your relationship and how much it sucks…

– How sooooo many guys/girls gawk at you and your just Gods Gift to women/men… (why are you still single then??)

– How terrible your life is…

– How fairytale of a life you have…

– How everyone should buy your MLM product…

This my friends causes you to be blocked….. again I admit for the non dating, relationship having or wanting folks, I’m just not that interesting and can be annoying. 🙂 It is ok, I still love ya!

Lastly, you block someone because you just don’t like them and want nothing to do with them. To you, they don’t exist. Sounds harsh, but its the truth and sometimes in life you have to learn how to make those type of decisions to “cut the fat” out of your life and keep only the meaningful relationships. God knows I have done a lot of bothering of bad relationships out of my life recently and you know what… it feels sooooo good! I invite you to get weak, negative, drag-ya-down-do-nothing-positive-to-your-life relationships out of your life. 

Learn to attract then build great relationships you may need a little help. Check out some of the services I offer (see you may block me after this one) check it out here

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