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My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth, Relationships

When Nobody Likes You

I hate to be a Debbie Downer with a topic, I actually had my doubts on whether I should write about this or not because I feel very strongly and I am against Bullies, people who are mean to others and those who feel are superior to others and like to belittle others. In fact this post is more in support to all those who have been bullied or have to put up with peoples uncalled for and nasty ways of dealing with people… hence, THEY are the ones nobody likes and those whom the rest of us can learn from their “relationship failures”.

I speak a lot about dating and developing good relationships…true most of the time it revolves around love …. That is because I can’t help, but to be a romantic! But what happens when you are the one who nobody likes. For example, recently I came across this:


Why is it that some people even on a social space like Facebook where people whored around the word “friends” some people just can’t get any?? And I know some are thinking “Well I never go on Facebook and I don’t care about interacting with people on their I rather interact in person”. I agree to the rather interact in person, but not so much with ignoring what today is pretty much a way of communication and living whether we like it or not… Virtual communication is here to stay people! So GET CONNECT PEOPLE!  Umm.. go ahead and LIKE my page and connect with me now while your at it : CONNECT WITH ME

Now the easy thinig to say is “well they rather have a small group of friends than be liked by everybody” and I agree some people do choose to have a small intimate group of friends, but I also feel that is an excuse for the “nobody likes them folks” to explain their lack of friends and being liked. You see in my opinion having few friends can be looked at in a two ways:

  1. You Have Few Friends Because YOU Choose It;
  2. You Have Few To NO Friends Because Nobody Likes You.


They way I strive to be build my life is with this philosophy:

Have Close Nit Circle of Friends And Be Well Liked And Respected By Many!

Why not! You can develop that if you choose too.

So from those folks that “nobody likes” there is something to learn from a failure of friends.

So I and you should  ask also :

What do these people do to repeal so many people?

How do they act?


Here are a few things I have noticed and will point out about these loners:

  1. They talk badly about someone to others, and then go hangout with that person as if they are their best friend.

“ Yeah so&so is such a B***! I cant stand know what she did…”

“Oh so&so of course! Lets hang out this weekend! I’m dying too see you!”


2. They are always devaluing your own accomplishments and speaking about how theirs are so much better.

“That’s cool about your companies bonus I guess…my company gave me a much bigger bonus…”


3. Talking way too much about themselves in a show off type of way

“So yeah like I have sooooo many friends and were just going to have like 3 weddings, 2 honeymoons and top notch all open bar”

“OMG like I cant walk down the street without a guy hollering at me. I have great legs, they just cant stop looking at me”


4.They do not acknowledge people

Scenario: Loner joins the rest of a dinner table full of people, by just sliding in and not saying hi to anyone and they leave without saying goodbye.

5. Are fair weather friends  – Friends only when it is convenient to them.

6. Have a critique about everything you do!

7. When in a relationship they seclude everyone except their significant other.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend in town or they just got one = You are forgotten about.

8. Have no loyalty or appreciation. Have my fair share of these folks!

9. They are the “obnoxious drunk” or the extreme “stiffy” friend.

So your at the bar and everyone is drinking or dancing or sharing their steamy s*x stories, but that one clearly-not-religious friend of yours is Mr./Mrs. Closed.- ANNOYING! Why even go hang out??!!

Or you go out and they are the ones drinking & talking so loudly you start wondering if you are out with a friend or a little kid.


Many of have known or know people like this. Some even continue to give these people the time and day ! Why? Not sure, maybe because they feel bad which is a very noble thing to think or feel you are “helping” them. But I believe what makes relationships strong and friendships valuable is when someone can knock some sense in you and not just allow you to keep making the same mistakes. Sometimes the most noble and helpful thing you can do for someone is to bluntly show them the effects of their actions.

Hey do me a favor, let us hear your opinions and comment below and if you LIKED IT , then help me


To building great friendships, sharing love and finding your soulmate!  


My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

Why People Block You On Facebook

If Facebook is supposed to connect you, why do people get on it and then block you? In a time where technology has grown to be such a large part of our lives and well when it comes to dating, it has been a huge resource to engage and contact millions. So why do people have these accounts to make their lives public and easily accessible to people, only to block others? Why People Block You on Facebook?


Well one obvious reason is that you are creepy maybe a registered sex offender, you are harassing them, or you are just annoying. In which I agree and ALSO would and have block several people.

Now what is the explanation for the other blocking??

Well I have my fair share of both blocking people and being blocked and this is what I have narrowed it down too:

1. You Know Wayyyyy Too Much Crap About Them

Oh let me tell you, if something makes someone hide more it is them finding out that “You Know” That you know the truth. The truth about them, their past, there dirty little secrets and unethical ways…  I just wish that the same people who “hide” or “block” you would realize that their little lives revolve around hanging around the same people, same places and same little town. Guess what? The world is small and the truth always, always comes out.


2. Being The “Ex- Girlfriend/Boyfriend”

Unless you are stuck in middle school, we all have had and been in a relationship. For the people out there who think the first guy you date is the one you marry I have news for you: It isn’t always like that. If it is good for you. If not guess what?? You will be at one point or another the “EX” and have “exes”.   If you fall in the “Crazy ex category” then you deserve to be blocked and I would block you too! I would give you the “Outta my life button!”  And if you have been this crazy ex bf/gf realize your  ex doesn’t want to hear from you or have you constantly still nagging them…isnt that why he left you?? And then there is the time when the “EX” blocks you the new guy/girl. I can understand this especially when the new guy/girl witnessed some of the crazy ex pyscho activity… So to all the girls who have been dumped, don’t be the crazy pyscho girl then you will never have to block the people who witnessed your outbreak. I know its embarrassing to know that person witness your hoopla so just don’t do it anymore.

3. You Are Annoying

I admit I may be on peoples Block list for this… I write a lot about dating, relationships umm possibly some things that may offend people. It is ok I deal with it. So yeah, if you talk a lot about things people just have NO interest in such as ummm you constantly posting about:

– Your relationship and how much it sucks…

– How sooooo many guys/girls gawk at you and your just Gods Gift to women/men… (why are you still single then??)

– How terrible your life is…

– How fairytale of a life you have…

– How everyone should buy your MLM product…

This my friends causes you to be blocked….. again I admit for the non dating, relationship having or wanting folks, I’m just not that interesting and can be annoying. 🙂 It is ok, I still love ya!

Lastly, you block someone because you just don’t like them and want nothing to do with them. To you, they don’t exist. Sounds harsh, but its the truth and sometimes in life you have to learn how to make those type of decisions to “cut the fat” out of your life and keep only the meaningful relationships. God knows I have done a lot of bothering of bad relationships out of my life recently and you know what… it feels sooooo good! I invite you to get weak, negative, drag-ya-down-do-nothing-positive-to-your-life relationships out of your life. 

Learn to attract then build great relationships you may need a little help. Check out some of the services I offer (see you may block me after this one) check it out here

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