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My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

Why People Block You On Facebook

If Facebook is supposed to connect you, why do people get on it and then block you? In a time where technology has grown to be such a large part of our lives and well when it comes to dating, it has been a huge resource to engage and contact millions. So why do people have these accounts to make their lives public and easily accessible to people, only to block others? Why People Block You on Facebook?


Well one obvious reason is that you are creepy maybe a registered sex offender, you are harassing them, or you are just annoying. In which I agree and ALSO would and have block several people.

Now what is the explanation for the other blocking??

Well I have my fair share of both blocking people and being blocked and this is what I have narrowed it down too:

1. You Know Wayyyyy Too Much Crap About Them

Oh let me tell you, if something makes someone hide more it is them finding out that “You Know” That you know the truth. The truth about them, their past, there dirty little secrets and unethical ways…  I just wish that the same people who “hide” or “block” you would realize that their little lives revolve around hanging around the same people, same places and same little town. Guess what? The world is small and the truth always, always comes out.


2. Being The “Ex- Girlfriend/Boyfriend”

Unless you are stuck in middle school, we all have had and been in a relationship. For the people out there who think the first guy you date is the one you marry I have news for you: It isn’t always like that. If it is good for you. If not guess what?? You will be at one point or another the “EX” and have “exes”.   If you fall in the “Crazy ex category” then you deserve to be blocked and I would block you too! I would give you the “Outta my life button!”  And if you have been this crazy ex bf/gf realize your  ex doesn’t want to hear from you or have you constantly still nagging them…isnt that why he left you?? And then there is the time when the “EX” blocks you the new guy/girl. I can understand this especially when the new guy/girl witnessed some of the crazy ex pyscho activity… So to all the girls who have been dumped, don’t be the crazy pyscho girl then you will never have to block the people who witnessed your outbreak. I know its embarrassing to know that person witness your hoopla so just don’t do it anymore.

3. You Are Annoying

I admit I may be on peoples Block list for this… I write a lot about dating, relationships umm possibly some things that may offend people. It is ok I deal with it. So yeah, if you talk a lot about things people just have NO interest in such as ummm you constantly posting about:

– Your relationship and how much it sucks…

– How sooooo many guys/girls gawk at you and your just Gods Gift to women/men… (why are you still single then??)

– How terrible your life is…

– How fairytale of a life you have…

– How everyone should buy your MLM product…

This my friends causes you to be blocked….. again I admit for the non dating, relationship having or wanting folks, I’m just not that interesting and can be annoying. 🙂 It is ok, I still love ya!

Lastly, you block someone because you just don’t like them and want nothing to do with them. To you, they don’t exist. Sounds harsh, but its the truth and sometimes in life you have to learn how to make those type of decisions to “cut the fat” out of your life and keep only the meaningful relationships. God knows I have done a lot of bothering of bad relationships out of my life recently and you know what… it feels sooooo good! I invite you to get weak, negative, drag-ya-down-do-nothing-positive-to-your-life relationships out of your life. 

Learn to attract then build great relationships you may need a little help. Check out some of the services I offer (see you may block me after this one) check it out here

Lets Connect


Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, Personal Growth, Relationships

Social Media Bad Manners

This has to be one of the most annoying and worst things you can do for your own image… why use social networks to talk bad about YOUR significant other? Maybe you got in a fight and you are upset. Maybe you have issues with communication and not being able to express yourself you’re your half emo so you rather sit behind a computer and talk badly or express your frustrations with your other half to your online friends. Ok you are forgiven. However, if after reading this and you continue or you know a friend who does this and you let them continue then shame on you!

My question to you is, “why are you still with this person???” If they cause you so much anger, pain, annoyance and everything else, is the $ex really that good?? Maybe it is your sugar momma/daddy and your bills need to get paid somehow. Or is it that you are married? Whatever it is, in my opinion you have no excuse. I have said it again and again: I rather eat beans for the rest of my life than to be so dependent of someone financially that I have to put up with fights, rules and just a lot of unhappiness.
I know of several people in business with others where they put up with their business partners unrealistic expectations and just odd “rules”. They pretty much sell their freedom and soul to them to trade it for money. How sad. In relationships I hope that if there is true love buried somewhere that the two parties involve have enough patience and understanding where they can work it out. In the mean time watch what you put out to the public.

Don’t post cryptic status messages for all to see every time you get into a fight. Posts cryptic status messages that make it obvious you are pissed at whatever guy/girl you’re dating at the time is not cool. If you have mutual friends and all those same friends are seeing your negative post about the guy/girl all your friends know, you are only making your friends feel awkward and of course wonder what’s going on…here are some examples:

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you..”

Oh and “It’s Complicated” Relationship Status

“What’s good for tonight? Tryna find somethin to do since my boyfriend would rather go to a whack ass club..smfh”

Bottom line is, don’t air your dirty laundry out in public. If you have major issues keep reading my post, contact me so you can work on becoming a better communicator so you can address these and any issues. Have some funny annonymous relationship social network status you want to share?

My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

New Years Resolution NOT To Bother Making

To Finally Find A Boyfriend/Girlfriend

New years is not a symbolic time for you to reflect on how long you have been single and how this year you will find “the one” Get over it! As much as I speak about dating and how to date more people, I never, speak about rushing into things or in that you need to be in a relationship. In Spanish we have a saying “Mas vale sola que mal acompanada” means “it is better to be alone that to be in bad company” and through my time as a single, when I was actively dating I always kept that little phrase in mind. In fact, too often the issue with my most troubled clients is that they are Mr. and Miss Desperate. They want to so badly make the next person that looks at them their boyfriend or girlfriend that they scare that person away. So instead of resolving to get into a relationship, why not improve your own personal self confidence and become a better networker and conversationalist so you can meet more people naturally and the right one for you will show up this year or next or…

What are you waiting for? Check out Uncensored Dating to get your hands on some advance techniques sure to help.

Entrepreneur's Corner, People Skills, Personal Growth

How To Ask Questions

How to ask questions in dating, interviews, friendships, family, every type of interaction is vital!!

Questions… We all ask them, we all have them but what is our intention.

Lately I have been meeting a lot of new people, ya know me, its how I roll! Hahaha. Anyway during this process of meeting people the normal thing is to obviously want to get to know them so the natural process is to ask questions. So I have been paying attention to my conversations with people. To what they ask, when they ask it and more importantly why did they ask in the first place.

Ever met someone new at work, school, church on a date and they made you feel like you were getting interrogated? Like “did I just commit a crime”
Or then there are the questioners who ask and don’t let you respond, they stop you right in the middle of the response?
That’s so annoying!

Or the ones who don’t even ask and you have to ask them questions, but all they do is give you a one word answer like so:

Me: “So you grew up here in southern California huh, how was that?”  
Them: “Cool”

Me: “How is your family? Do you come from a big one or small one?”
Them: “Small”

Me: “Oh you like watching baseball?”
Them: “Yeah”


And that’s where it ends. Terrible waste of 5 minutes or worst if is you were ever invited out on a date by a mute, you’re thinking what a waste of my time or I’m ordering the damn lobster!

So back to questions I have been able to narrow it down to 3 reason why we all ask them. It’s important to know why you ask to not only be a better listener, but in general be someone others like to be around.

We ask questions for….

1. Ask Just To Ask
If you’re the kind of person who ask a question and before the person can start moving their lips, you’ve already moved on to the next question or have been distracted by the yummy flavor of your garlic roll, then your GUILTY!

2. Ask Because WE Want To Share Our Response
If you’ve ever asked a question because deep down inside you really wish THEY would have asked you that question and you rush them to explain, your mouth is shivering waiting to spit out your answer to the question the question you asked, your GUILTY!

3. Ask Because We Genuinely Want To Know
This is the area the true masters of communication fall into!

I can’t say that I am someone that I fall into the 3rd segment I am definitely the one who is guilty of the 1st two, but as I meet more people and have the chance to talk to more people I realize more and more that I really want to work on being someone who ask questions because I genuinely care to know what that person has to say. It’s a big difference when you’re talking to people and you know they ask because they genuinely care to know what you have to say. I can feel it and I sense it. Energy between people is undeniable. We all have bullshit detectors. And the same is true for conversations with people. So knowing that I know when someone is bullshitting me and asking just to ask I decided to make an earnest effort to not be one of those people.
I hope that this article helps you also and maybe make an effort to be a person who ask questions because you’re genuinely care to know.

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