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Love & Marriage, My Thoughts, Relationships

The 5 Love Languages

If you have ever wondered why your girlfriend never seems to be content or happy when you by her gifts? Or maybe that he never seems to care that you do errands around the house? We all have our own little way of showing how we love others and how we like to be loved. If you believe that we are all created equal and can be treated the exact same way then you must also believe in the tooth fairy and should not ignore this post. Several years ago I came across this book and I learned about this theory of the The 5 love languages it really changed my life and I give it credit for helping me create and maintain a loving, respectful & abundant relationship with my fiance, but I would be naive to think what to me feels like a fairytale relationship, would stay this way on it’s own without some bumps in the road. So the 5 love languages are an important to understand. Here is a quick video to help you visually see and understand the 5 love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch.

Relationships and people are ever growing beings! We are like plants. We will have our times of full bloom and our times when our flowers die and a time when the soil we are planted in needs time to replenish its nutrients in the soil…to bloom again. During this metamorphosis, we as the girlfriends, wives, husbands, etc . of someone can be ugly, irrational, unappreciative people. So are ALL relationships that go through these withering times bound to fail? How then do you explain those that rebound from these times and grow stronger together?
In my opinion bad relationships boil down to two people not chemically connected (which means they wouldn’t be dating too long) and for those in a long relationship turning sour it is most likely two people speaking the incorrect love language to one another and a lot of misunderstanding. If you have ever felt unappreciative, not loved, respected and not wanted it may not always be that your partner really doesn’t love you he or she is simply speaking to you in the wrong love language.

I cannot stress to you enough if you are in a relationship to familarize yourself with this theory and understand the 5 languages of love. So what is your love language? Stop hesitating and click here to take the test and learn more!

Share with us what Love Language you are! Leave me a comment below or connect with me on FACEBOOK

My Thoughts

What Does The Year Of The Dragon Hold For You?

Every year I like to give my little two cents on my personal opinion and take on how the new zodiac year will affect us. Some may think I have completely lost my mind with this “Hokus-Pocus” stuff, but to them I say “You are entitled to your own beliefs” and to those who like me always keep a little ear perked up and eye open to ideas and perspectives, then I hope you enjoy this.

Before I begin I must clarify that this IS NOT a “you will have a great year” type of post nor do I believe in that, to me Astrology is no more than a study of our universe and the scientific compilation of many non co-existing civilizations history and beliefs. If you travel outside your little side, boro or town, you will notice that the world is marked and painted with remains of astrology. From buildings in Europe, Pyramids in Peru to Grand Central station in New York City… they all have some sort of astrological meaning or touch. So to me there is something often unspoken and very often ignored truths and ties to Astrology and here are my two cents on The Year of The Dragon!

Last year was the Year of The Rabbit and if you read my post you know I was right on target with the love in the air. I am sure this year more than ever it felt like EVERYONE was having babies or getting married… Was I not right?? Click Here to read my post from last year.

Dragons are seen as very lucky creatures. They are innovative and fearless and this year has the potential to wreck havoc and boast individual and social economics. The last year of the Dragon was 2000 we all remember the Y2K bug, don’t we? Well with December 2012 looming with the “end of the world” you can see that certain energies and “ideas” replicate themselves… No end of the worlds here!
But then again, the good old saying goes “Whatever you think, you become” so if you find yourself reading, writing, talking about economic doom, world collapse and hardships, it is very likely your life will be plagued by that. On the bright side, I like to stay prepared, but focus on positive things.

This year the Dragon promises to get us all out of our conformity states. Dragons naturally like to be the bosses, not have rules and conform to routines and authority. Now we can see this as both good and bad. The good is that we may feel more willing to venture to try new things we had always put behind. Maybe you have always wanted to take flying lessons or learn to dance better, this just may be the year you go and do it. You may also find yourself making more decisions. It could be that your family or work place in the past confined things. They had a say or restricted you from who to date, where to go and what to do. My friend, I think this is the year you wake up and grow up! FREEDOM is what you crave.

The 2012 Dragon is a water dragon, making him better equipped to take a step back to re-evaluate a situation because they understand the art of patience. An art I myself have not yet mastered!

Now lets talk about how it may effect you in LOVE. The dragon’s energy is passionate, giving and totally partial when it comes to love. So if you happen to have recently found someone you have chemistry with you may find that this connection intensifies and if you were already in a great relationship, this year may be the year things become more solid and serious with the one you are with as long as you can FEED each others needs. You may find that this year you want more attention, sex and affection. If your current partner is not giving it to you more than ever, you will find yourself wanting it and if not happily content, you could easily see one or the other spit their ways.

I hate to say it, but this can be a year full of divorce, breakups and…. Cheating! Yup! When the Dragon energies of lust and attention are not met, the animalistic side of us, can and will find a way to get that area in their love life fed. So ladies and gentlemen, pay attention to your partner. Remember that a great relationship truly is like watering a plant. If you treat it well, it will treat you well.

Nonetheless, the 2012 Water Dragon is most likely to bestow the Chinese Five Blessings of harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity, adding even more weight to the growing belief that 2012 will be about breakthroughs, not disasters.

Happy New Year!

My Thoughts, People Skills, Personal Growth

New Years Resolution NOT To Bother Making

To Finally Find A Boyfriend/Girlfriend

New years is not a symbolic time for you to reflect on how long you have been single and how this year you will find “the one” Get over it! As much as I speak about dating and how to date more people, I never, speak about rushing into things or in that you need to be in a relationship. In Spanish we have a saying “Mas vale sola que mal acompanada” means “it is better to be alone that to be in bad company” and through my time as a single, when I was actively dating I always kept that little phrase in mind. In fact, too often the issue with my most troubled clients is that they are Mr. and Miss Desperate. They want to so badly make the next person that looks at them their boyfriend or girlfriend that they scare that person away. So instead of resolving to get into a relationship, why not improve your own personal self confidence and become a better networker and conversationalist so you can meet more people naturally and the right one for you will show up this year or next or…

What are you waiting for? Check out Uncensored Dating to get your hands on some advance techniques sure to help.

My Thoughts, People Skills

Holiday Party Don’ts

Holiday season is here! If you haven’t already been to a party, I am sure you will be attending one in these next few days.How to make sure you know what the top holiday party don’ts are better keep reading!

I myself have made my rounds and many of my friends have also.
There is a “rule” or unspoken “guidelines” to follow at these things, but do people ever follow them??
Its inivetable when you bring Coworkers+Open Bar+ Food+Gossip= Memories to be made and actions to be regretted 🙂

Here is my TOP 10 Holiday Party Don’ts

1. Dress for Success Not SEX

Dress classy. Leave the nightclub gear, fishnets, shiny dress shirts in your closet!

2. Get Sloppy Drunk

Ok, I will admit it. One of the first holiday parties I went to I was guilty of this. I drank a little too much as I was walking up to go use the restroom I wasn’t the smoothest walker and I slipped, but no worries I quickly got up, adjusted myself, and finished my “dismount” like an Olympic champion. 🙂
If you start to slur your words, just stop.

3. Play Footsies With Your Coworker

Remember this is the person you will be seeing the morning after and for the next 365 mornings +. And if you played footsie with the wrong one, you deal with the office crush for days to come.

4. Spill Your Drama, Gossip, Annoyance, etc

Ok so maybe you aren’t very fawn of working there or you feel you should be getting paid more or the office is a total wreck. Don’t bring it up now!!?? Enjoy the party and the holiday season and bring it up in a formal matter at the start of the new year. Holiday party don’ts are a major no-no so again don’t use this time to do any of those holiday party don’ts.

5. Dance…
Chances are you will look like a jackass and women, we usually get a little to sexual so your better off not gettin jiggy wit it.

6. Wear Holiday Themed Outfits

Umm thats the other party the “Ugly Holiday Sweater Party” not tonight.

7. Don’t Bring a “Date”

If your broke I know times can be rough, but common this is NOT an event held for YOUR benefit and you being a cheap ass and bringing a date. Bring them somewhere else, not here.

8.Treat The Party Like A Singles Bar

The cute girl or guy you are interested in is probably someones babymomma or daddy. Check for rings before you start chatting it up and expecting you scored.

9. Eat To Much

This one is hard for me since I am such a foodie, but remember people observe you when you eat and you don’t want to look like a hoarder grabbing way to much of your share of the food.

10. Oh yeah remember its a WORK HOLIDAY PARTY….

Everything said or done WILL be used against you at the office….. in due time.. 🙂

Enjoy and Happy Holidays to ALL!

Connect with Me and Tell Me About YOUR Holiday Party Worst on FACEBOOK

Food Remodeling, Health & Fitness, My Thoughts, What's Cookin

Detox Diets That Work

Decided you may need to detox? Been eating too much crap? Way to many things that come in fancy wrappers, color bubbly stuff and things you cannot pronounce? Alright you sick, mean, unappreciative B*&^$#@(d I will help ya out. A detox can be very beneficial. IN this post I talk about a few Detox Diets That Work!

Although there are many types of detox diets, most eliminate foods that contain potentially harmful substances and allow foods that support the body’s natural ability to rid itself of toxins, such as dark, leafy green vegetables. Overall food intake is usually reduced, ranging from small meals to full-fledge juice fast.

Here are a few of the most popular detox diets that work.
The Master Cleanse – Also called the lemonade diet, a fast that involves drinking only lemonade, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

To me this is the most challenging one and also not very convenient if you have to continue with day to day activity. Lugging around your “juice” that looks like pee may not be too fun.

Juice fasting – A type of fast that calls for consuming only fresh vegetable and fruit juices, such as beet juice and wheatgrass juice, and water.

Smoothie and Shake fasting – Involves drinking pureed or blended vegetable and fruit smoothies, especially green smoothies.
Commercial cleanse programs – Specially designed protein powders, vitamins, nutrients for detoxification. You buy these at local health markets of vitamin shops.

Raw Food Detox Diet – Based on the raw food diet. Involves only eating food that is raw or hasn’t been heated above 118 degrees.

My “Detox” Plan

I am doing a HYBRID of the Master Cleanse+ Raw Vegetables+ Puree soups. To me this is my favorite detox diet that works. I find that the morning routinue suggested in master cleanse helps get my digestion a kickstart and the drinking of lemon water but I add raw veggies and pure nothing added organic vegtable puree soups to keep my intake low. These are great




I avoid meats, anything processed and no sugars… that includes fruits….they have tons of hidden sugars. I also recommend you take probiotics during any of these cleanses is also highly recommended. My personal favorite is one made by YOR HEALTH it is highly potent and excellent for the digestive system.







And lastly I want to leave you with this.
One week of cleansing your body from hot cheetos, coke, big macs,cookies, fried chicken, etc will not change things for you. To see ultimate benefits you must adopt this healthier way of eating as a lifestyle. Today there are many options for organic and healthy food. Many times the cost difference isn’t much. Without complicating it to much I do and follow a Mediterranean Diet “Lots of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains”.



Have some successful detox stories or tips you would like to share?  Connect with me on FACEBOOK.

My Thoughts, People Skills

What I Learned As an Undercover Guest At A Singles Event

…..That 99.9% of the men in attendance are dooshbags and every woman there is so un confident and desperate.
That is all for this post.

Ok you all know me too well that I usually have more to say. So I headed to a local lounge where I was throwing a Jersey Shore preimer viewing party (DISCLAIMER: I watch the Jersey Shore because I get a kick out of how funny real life can be and I am amazed and like to learn to see how this show attracts so many viewers making it a highly grossing TV show)
So upon my arrival of the venue to my surprise there was a singles night event going on. I thought “how interesting”. I took myself to the side found a seat and completely batted one after the other lame pick up line from guys who were there attending the event. Clearly I did not have a name tag and well my outfit choice for the night of black long sleeve tee and jeans clearly wasn’t in “prowling mode” wearing sexy clothing.
Anyway so I just sat at the bar and listened. I listened some more. And I listened again.
I listened to all the guys in their give their “play by play” on what they would have done if their girl gave them their number.
If the girl went home with them that night.
If the girl had been interested.
It was disgusting and it was quite sad how these men thought they had so much game, but they were… alone.

lesson learned is:

1. Be more picky as to how and where you go to meet singles. When you throw 100 people in a room it starts feeling like black Friday. Like everything is limited and on sale and you have to rush to just grab and pick up something.

I am not discouraging attending singles events or meeting other singles, but I would suggest find another mode where you can StrikeUp a conversation with someone more in a one-on-one setting.

#2. Ladies you can do better. Have a better strategy than just submit yourself to an event where the guy to girl ratio is 10:2

#3. When you settle for anything, you get nothing.

Entrepreneur's Corner, Love & Marriage, My Thoughts

How To Use Astrology To Have Better Results In Your Life

Hello Friends! Its a new month. That means new opportunities, new ideas, new projects to begin and time to leave the past, in the past. I will share with you How To Use Astrology To Have Better Results In Your Life.
I can say i have always been a person who is open to “New Ideas” thank God i wasn’t raised by parents who forced their beliefs on me and allowed me to discover them on my own.

This way of looking at life allowed me to meet amazing people, discover new ideas and see the world and my life in a different perspective.
One of the things I have really taken in as a part of my life is Astrology and the power of it.
Now most people see Astrology or shall i say confuse astrology as the thing you read on Sunday newspaper and it says “you’ll have a great day today if you twirl your hair and jump up and down”

That is NOT what astrology stems from. In fact don’t let me educate you because frankly I don’t want to. You do it yourself. I am simply sharing with you something I myself “studied” and found for myself and my life to hold some truth, relevance and it became very helpful for me.
In fact, I am the kind of person who will NOT sign a contract on days that are not in my favor or start a new project unless its a new moon. I know you think I am a weirdo, and maybe I am. I am not denying it. But I will say I live my life quite happy and content and it has never proven to me to “hurt” me in fact, the reason I keep doing this is because I always get exactly what I want.

Bottom line is this, astrology is simply a science. An empirical study of our exisitance as human beings living on this cool thing called Earth. I believe their is a lot more too it and astrology has helped me find a deeper understanding of it.
I specifically enjoy this website and Susan Miller. For years I have been reading her monthly forecast and let’s just say there is a reason I have been viewing it. I hope that it helps you with insight as much as it has for me 🙂

Read yours by clicking on the link below and drop me a comment and let me know what you think if it has any relevance to your current life. If it does, share it with your friends as someone once shared it with me 🙂